Little Perosn | Teen Ink

Little Perosn

April 18, 2013
By Stackdog BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
Stackdog BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Little Person

What’s the best thing that could happen to you in this world? Is it getting a puppy, creating a purpose, finding love, or maybe just spending time with your family? The best thing that has happened to me so far in life is getting a little brother. Two years ago on January 8th, 2011 at 3:14 p.m. my little bro was born. It happened while I was at a wrestling tournament. It was surprising news and I was a bit sad because I wanted to be there for when he came out, but my twin and I both missed out on that opportunities. I have long waited to have a little brother. Having a twin that is younger than you and also having a younger brother that is only one year younger than you doesn’t give me joy. I grew up with them, so I wasn’t able to experience the same thing that I can with a brother that is 1115 years younger than me. Every since He had come out, my life has been filled with joy and happiness. Having a little person is the best feeling because you can teach them new things and watch them grow throughout life. When we were out together many people thought that he was actually my son, and my dad was my order brother. It was funny to see people mix us up in the relationship we had with each other. So far that I have been with him has been fun, but it’s going to be sad leaving him when I go off to college. I know that he will be sad when I leaving because he is so attached to me. And to be stuck with my second youngest brother for a long time should pretty much be a pain for him. After the short but fun time I have spent with him, I will have to be 4-8 years away from him, will occasional periods of returning home. I will end up missing his growth period, the period I wanted to see the most. Hey, but at least I get to come back when he can become more competitive. At that time I can train him and teach him all that I know. I get to feel joy when he goes out and perform the highest in his group of competitors. It is the best having a little person that you can love, watch and contribute to. The fun times that I have had with him has overridden the bad times. Having someone that I can protect gives me a sense of purpose in life which has made me happier when I am with him. Little people can raise your spirit and give you a sense of purpose. They are the one that teach you the most in life. They teach you responsibility. They teach patience. And most importantly they teach more about you. They mainly teach us about life. This is why nothing compares to having a little person. If you don’t trust, then wait until one pops into your life.

The author's comments:
Inspired by my little brother

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