Mr.Laws educator of the year | Teen Ink

Mr.Laws educator of the year

April 14, 2013
By jaimir BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
jaimir BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Laws is the 8th grade pre-algebra teacher at HB DuPont middle school. He has been married for about nine years and has two kids. He works with another teacher in the same classroom named Mrs. Bowers. He is also an assistant in science with Mr. Jones. He is the coach of the school’s basketball team. He is the best teacher I’ve ever had; I’ve gotten straight A’s in his class.
His energy basically conducts the class. Every day Mr. Laws is in a good mood. His presence when he enters a room makes people livelier. His energy seems to run off and pass on to everyone else. There was never a dull moment in class when he was there. He is the most energetic teacher I’ve ever had thus far.
The way he taught the lessons made it easy for us to understand. He didn’t use college level math jargon. He used simple eighth grade grammar. He would help us out and did the best he could to make sure we got the concepts. He would also offer tutoring if anyone needed it.
Mr. Laws developed a personal level with most of the students. He would crack jokes and make us feel more comfortable. We would also play games like “24” and “Matho” (math bingo). We respected him because he had patience, never yelled or got mad. He wouldn’t have any problems with any of the kids, and if he did, he would pull them to the side to resolve the problem.
Mr. Laws relates to the students and is very easy to get along with. I got along with him the most, and we never had any issues. He usually didn’t have issues with other kids and is also one of the nicest teachers I know. To this day he continues to teach 8th grade pre-algebra at HB DuPont. I hope he continues to keep a positive and energetic spirit so that all the students after me can experience what I've learned from an incredible teacher. I nominate Mr. Laws for educator of the year.

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