Too Much Technology | Teen Ink

Too Much Technology

April 8, 2013
By KellyClark BRONZE, Rocky Hill, Connecticut
KellyClark BRONZE, Rocky Hill, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Too Much Technology

On a long weekend, I was over a friends house as a little get together. The friend’s house that I was over had a younger sister and she too had friends over because it was her birthday the day before. We were talking about social networking sites such as; Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. My friend said that her sister and all her little friends had Instagrams her sister is in middle school. A middle schooler, I believe, should not have a social network account because they are too young and are subjected to many images and ideas at once. At that age many, if not all, do not know how to deal with all that knowledge. With the internet at such ease, to nearly everyone, seems that we start to lose track to what is real.
It is my opinion that these advancements cause more harm than good. Today you go to any coffee shop and you see that everyone sitting at tables using the free wi-fi and just typing or scrolling away to no end at these fine coffee shops, talking to each other through these social networks. I know that this technology does not just go to networking sites but other helpful places like medicine and research studies. But, I believe that those few places is the only good technology has done for us.

Others argue that it has made communication easier and swifter, that great if you’re on a private island and need to reach someone in your home country or if are away in a foreign place and you need to reach people in your homeland. But other than those examples I see that communication argument as just an excuse for more people to use these social networks. Everyday most of the people on those networking sites are not in a foreign country and do not need to communicate with everyone on their friends list twenty four hours every day of the week. I’m not judging anyone who goes on these sites and uses them a lot. I just wish that if we are spending our precious time on these sites that we should be making it a welcoming place that built on inspiration and greaterness, not betterness and evil.

I agree that yes, this advancement of technology is great and communication is the quickest it has been and many good things come out of it. But the way humans have the tendency to overuse things till it is overdone to the point where it will not come back the same. The internet is almost to the point of being overused and abused. Even now I feel myself slip into this realm of technology and it nearly swallows me up but then deep down in my conscience I feel the wave loosen it’s grip and eventually I fall back to reality. That is the problem too many of us let the wave of technology take us over and we allow it to consume us.
I asked my dad about it one day, asking if he thinks that technology is destroying society. He told me about how in the 80's when there were all these factories and America was making everything in the country and a lot of people had jobs and the country was making money. But then into the early 2000's companies were selling overseas, replacing people to machines, taking jobs and factories out of America.
Yes technology is an amazing tool to be used by people all over the world but, I feel that it is hard for humans to resist temptation, with the internet as a nearly constant temptation, it is difficult for many for us to overcome. I am not saying to do away with all technology or technology is bad for human beings, but that technology should not be overused. It is just my opinion that the world is in a major internet phase and I do not want the whole world to forget about the physical world, and surrender to the great power of the internet world.
Somedays I feel that the internet is a really great tool for this world then I hear in the news about a teacher getting fired for a post on Facebook or a Police chief having to step down because of a tweet on Twitter, and its days like those that I wish the internet did not exist because of crazy incidents like those. Knowing that I can not have it both ways it still frustrates me, not that humans give in temptation and take things too far, but, the fact it seems so petty to me. There is this massive realm of knowledge and power at the tips of our fingertips and I feel it is being wasted on social networking.
In conclusion, the internet is a big place and is hard to ignore or forget about it, and chances are we probably never will. So if the internet and this technology is here to stay I just want others to be informed, that before we get swept up by the wave of technology, to take a quick look back at to what you have here, on Earth, because faster and faster this wave will consume us all.

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