Are Violent Video Games Bad or Good? | Teen Ink

Are Violent Video Games Bad or Good?

April 4, 2013
By OddFutureChappy BRONZE, Welch, Minnesota
OddFutureChappy BRONZE, Welch, Minnesota
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Many people of the media states that violent video games could corrupt a kid’s mind. So they’re having some big controversy about this so called “problem” about violent video games. In my opinion it’s not. I think it gives kids something to do with friends when they're at home. But I do agree that some games aren’t the best for younger people because of what the game is about. There's also good things that these kind of games can do to the mind. Not all violent games are “violent so to speak.

Some people think that when kids play a violent video game it’ll cause the mind to think that it wants to go on a killing rampage, supposedly. I got this from a person called Alyssa on a website. This topic was brought up with the Sandy Hook Middle school tragedy. Determining whether or not it caused the man to go to the school and shoot innocent children and teachers. But not all violent video games are bad. Some games make the player think strategically and use puzzles to get to a different area or another part of the game. It helps people multitask and the person playing makes choices for the characters like a real life situation. Not all rated Mature games are that violent that’ll supposedly want to make the player go out and hurt someone.

The way some video games are bad is people could confuse fantasy with reality. Basically playing the role from the player to the game to the person in real life. Some games get really graphic and are in depth with the action, dialogue, and the gameplay. Others are worried that people will get too hooked on the game and not want to do anything else. This leads to obesity and aggresive thoughts.
I’ve spoken of some reasons why the media is so worried about violent video games, by how they can sometimes be a good influence, and by how they can be a bad influence. In my thought, don’t over play otherwise you will find a game that you really enjoy and you’ll never want to stop playing. That was from past experience. I’m a gamer. But above all..., if the Media is so worried about this, why aren’t the parents? They buy the games for them.

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