Fear of Death | Teen Ink

Fear of Death

October 9, 2012
By CassidyAnne BRONZE, Tifton, Georgia
CassidyAnne BRONZE, Tifton, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be the change you wish to see in the world. - Ghandi

Fear of death. It seems like everyone has a fear of death. I myself don’t understand it. I believe we should embrace death, now don’t get me wrong. I DO NOT support or encourage suicide or anything crazy like that. I do not wish to die, I do not wish for others to die, but I think that when our time comes, instead of crying and wailing and fearing and fighting for our lives, we should accept it. Now I’m not saying that if your life is in danger and you can do something about it, that you shouldn’t. I’m saying that when it is inevitable, when it’s your time. Go with it, you’re not going to die before you’re supposed to. God has a plan for each and every one of us, once he feels we have served our purpose on earth he takes us away, to be with him. We shouldn’t fight his plan; God knows what he’s doing.

To Take the Road.

To take the road,
To take the road to a debt long owed.
I must not fear for he is with me,
I must be brave and follow quickly.
All my life I’ve dreaded this,
But now go willing to the lord’s sweet kiss.

The author's comments:
I had a friend, a best fried. His name was Tyler Fortson Moon. he died when he was fourteen years old. he was being a sweet boy, as always, cutting the grass for his mamma while his parents were at work. it flipped over into a ditch, he broke his neck. April 8, 2011. Tyler was and exceptional christain and a warm and kind spirit he changed many lifes. he served his purpose so it was time for the Lord to call him home. we all greived and we all missed him. the poem attached is one i wrote for him. he died when i was in 7th grade, i wrote the poem in 8th and am now in 9th.

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