The Mystery of The Writer | Teen Ink

The Mystery of The Writer

September 8, 2012
By QuinGray22 SILVER, DeKalb, Texas
QuinGray22 SILVER, DeKalb, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When people hear the Mark Twain, one of the greatest writers in American history, had the birth name of Samuel Clemns, they seem surprised.

Why, they ask, does a man change his name to something else? They’ve heard of convicts doing it. Sometimes even stockbrokers, or business men. But and author, the say?

But, my fellow readers, I ask you to step back and slip into either the comfy houseshoes or the leather loafers of an author and allow your mind to wander through thiers, searching for the answer to the mystery.

Maybe an alias is for the humble author, who’d rather not recieve the congradulatory thanks of his peers. But, aren’t they all annoymous?

Perhaps it’s for the convicted author, whether by religion or law. But, aren’t they hiding under a quirky quip, such as ‘Man In Seattle’?

But some writers, those who truly drag you into thier tale, are simply mysterious. They are the witch, and you are Hansel and Gretel. They lure in you in, all the way in, until you’re in a comepletely safe state of mind.

But all is not right, because suddenly the story has changed. Now the witch fades away in a cloud of dust, leaving you with a pondering, pestering thought that’s constantly knawing at the back of your mind, making you wonder who it is.

If there isn’t an author’s name, you can’t make a connection with them, but rather with the tale. Isn’t that the real purpose? To fall in love with the tale, and not the author, right?

Man In Seattle?No. I’m just a Shadow in the Light.


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