Which current international figure would you like to invite to your home for a cup of tea and why? | Teen Ink

Which current international figure would you like to invite to your home for a cup of tea and why?

May 19, 2008
By Anonymous

I would invite Senator Barack Obama, a candidate for the American President. Not because I think he likes tea or would enjoy a trip to Kazakhstan (my current home), but to just be able to listen to the opinions of a man who I think could save America. I believe it was my entire upbringing that brought me to this conclusion, so I guess I should start there.
From the moment I was born In Singapore I have lived an extremely international life. I see my life in chapters, not chapters of age, or of experience, like some, I see my life in chapters of location. And so far in my book, there are four. I have always prided myself in my life story; it is quite an unexpected one. For the first five years of my life I lived in Indonesia; followed by another five years in Venezuela; then three in Australia and finally, one year in Kazakhstan. I may have lived in many places, but America’s not one.
Now that you know my background, I suppose I should begin. When I was a young child, my view of America came down on the line between extremely optimistic and downright oblivious. I used to conclude that America was full of kindhearted people and only goodness based on one or two Christmases spent in a small town in Colorado. I only ever heard of and saw the best of the best. As I grew and learned, I began to see glimpses of America that I was not proud of and let the truth seep in. I’m not saying that America is terrible or scary, but I finally understood there were major problems. The more I heard about those problems, the more my opinion grew and the more I wanted to help. Not so many Americans get to see America from a third party view.
So the election this year intrigued me. So far I have liked almost everything about Barack Obama, but most of all I have like the way he speaks of change. One word, creating a world of meanings, a world of hope. I know change; the good and bad kind. I know that change opens doors for you that you never thought you had and provides the hope you always wished you had. Some part of all of us craves it, no matter how little. So many Americans have lived so carelessly for much too long. I believe here and now, this is the point and time for change; Mr. Obama is the agent for it.
In my eyes, America needs a leader that will not only guide us into change, but be at the very head of it, setting an example; a leader that will start the change in him or herself and project it outwards; one that will step off that high throne and level with the lowest of us and encourage others to do the same. If I could have tea with Mr. Obama, I would be able to determine if he would do just that and more for America. I could find out if Mr. Obama would bring us hope that we can change, hope that things can get better, that we can be greener, that we can end this war on terror, and ultimately, hope that we can come together as a nation and as neighbors.


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