Glee: A Message to All of Us | Teen Ink

Glee: A Message to All of Us

November 29, 2010
By meganmegan BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
meganmegan BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Back in the seventies, America first became truly overwhelmed by intensifying feelings towards different types of people and controversial lifestyles. Television shows such as Soap and The Jeffersons placed visions of gays and interracial marriages into the heads of Americans. Obviously, many American citizens did not easily welcome these slightly new concepts of social reform. With change came much controversy. But now in different time period, Americans have the chance to grasp and accept a variety of different appearances, people, and lifestyles, all because this television show, Glee.

Starting during the fall of 2009, Glee has become a pop-culture phenomenon that incorporates various types of people into its cast. Each of the different characters brings specific characteristics and details into the program that can relate to a person in one way, or another. During its first season, Glee often featured Quinn, the head cheerleader who quickly turned into a teen mom, and her baby’s father Puck- a cocky and arrogant ex-juvenile. Rachel, the lead female singer who has an extreme determination to be popular, is dating Finn- the already popular quarterback who has trouble coping with his own personal issues.
Currently, Glee is mainly focusing on Kurt: an open homosexual with a kind hear and sense of fashion. Accompanying him are Brittany and Santana, two cheerleaders that demonstrate bullying, attitude, and often times, stupidity; Mercedes is a diva with a strong voice suffering from weight and lack of self confidence. There’s even Artie, who is shown as a paraplegic that outshines his downfalls, and Tina, a goth girl with a soft side. No matter who you are, or what you’re like, I think it’s safe to bet that everyone knows at least ONE person with a situation similar to that of a character’s.
These topics of homosexuality, popularity, self image, teen pregnancy, and so much more, are now open to the American public in a new and fresh way. Everyone deserves a life that brings them happiness. Lets all hope that the acceptance of these individuals and lifestyles are looked at carefully, and no longer looked down upon in the future.

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