My Journey of Tennis | Teen Ink

My Journey of Tennis

January 18, 2024
By 5schulzl BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5schulzl BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Today I have a conference match, it's my last one of the season.  Tonight, we play Muskego. I have a big conference tournament this weekend and it’s against the big 8 schools. Jacquelyn and I have only lost once in a tiebreak, but I had a heat stroke so that doesn’t count. I went to grab water, and a sudden rush of blackness hit me.  I felt like I was tumbling everywhere. Five minutes later, I got up from the ground and saw my parents surrounding me.  That tennis match was like a bear.  I want a rematch because I think I could’ve demolished Cedarburg. In the classic 8 tournament, our biggest competition is KM.  The day after, we played Kettle Moraine.  Game. Set. Match. Jacquelyn and I destroyed them. I have never felt more gleeful in my life. On the other hand, I am so happy with my team's uniforms because I designed them. Our uniforms were white Lululemon tops, with a blue Lululemon skirt. I made varsity my freshman year, so I am captain for the second year in a row.  Although, being captain isn’t as glorious as it seems.  The team drama has been a million times worse than any other season.  It was really stressful in the moment, but I got over it.  My team should be thankful for me managing all of the drama, and making our team a family.  Anyways, I will let you guys know how my match goes tomorrow! See you later!

The author's comments:

I am a varsity girls tennis player at my school, and tennis is my passion. With being involved in tennis, it has its flaws.  Even though I love every second, it can be stressful at times.

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