How To Take Care Of A Dog | Teen Ink

How To Take Care Of A Dog

January 12, 2024
By avatrolio BRONZE, Wilbraham, Massachusetts
avatrolio BRONZE, Wilbraham, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Here stands a four legged furry friend, with round paws and pointed ears with a pink nose like the color of blush. The name is Rick. He is the color of an iced coffee, he has light brown fur with white paws like snow. His eyes are the color of grass mixed with dirt. Staring at you with innocence, he waits to be led in the right direction in his life. Leaving his mouth you begin to hear a subtle bark. You begin to stare at each other thinking what will it take to care for such a precious soul.

Pick him up. Attach the leash to the collar. Bring him out the front door. He will begin to pull and the feeling of being tugged occurs. The feeling of warm air and a touch of wind as it will glide across your face. He will sniff every little slight occurrence on the walk but isn't that a normal thing for dogs. In the distance stands another dog. At this point you have to control your dog and hold him back before it charges even though most of the time it is too late. Typically having such a small dog you would think they would be scared and hold back from an unknown dog but it is quite the opposite, not an ounce of fear in this little soul. As you continue your walk trying your best to hold the leash with the tightest grip you can, will finally pass. You continue your walk enjoying the fresh air and numerous birds chirping. 

You begin to walk into your driveway but begin to realize as you step into the front door there is a trail of brown leading from the pup's feet. Scream in anger “mud!!.” Now it is time for every dog's least favorite thing. As you finish wiping down this trail of mud it is bath time. Starting the water, you glance at your dog hiding in the corner, here we go again. Practically dragging your dog into this bath. Then they begin to jump out of the bath leaving water and mud everywhere. You begin to chase your dog but then catch yourself slipping and falling. You catch him then finally get up and grab your dog and wash them the best you can. Finish the bath your dog will finally clean. As the bath water stops, lift your dog and wrap them in the coziest towel you can find.You will no longer be angry realizing they are just a dog. You bundle up and begin to cuddle with your soft puppy. There is no better feeling in the world and realizing that they need you. 

Feed him twice a day. Pour the dog food into his big blue bowl, the bowl is the  color of the ocean. Rick will finish it as fast as he can. He will begin to feel full. Let him walk to his bed, he curls up and lays down. In this moment you will feel peace and comfort in which your dog has finally fallen asleep.

The author's comments:

I love dogs

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