What defines a great game? | Teen Ink

What defines a great game?

December 19, 2023
By fatimahumayun BRONZE, Lahore, Other
fatimahumayun BRONZE, Lahore, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Not all games are mindless levels of fighting and combats with new enemies on enemies, the same never ending violence. Sure, that may be someone's cup of tea, even though the human brain will eventually rot from all of the punches and combos. Great games are not always those that you can finish easily or perfectly. A great game looks to stimulate the players senses as much as they can, this attack on the senses is what keeps the player hooked for its only source of stimulation in their mediocre life. 

This stimulation causes them to lose all of their grasp on reality and be fully immersed into digital play, so naturally, the game has to be a good length. Too long and people will get bored and if it's too short people will be underwhelmed. The perfect length would have to be about 4-5 hours of playtime. The breaks in between would result in the game taking over the players thoughts even when they have put down the controller. A game that embeds itself into you has to have a good storyline and plot, one that keeps the player on their toes as their eyes don't leave the screen, one that causes their hearts to beat faster and their minds to tune the world out. 

As humans, we constantly need to be reassured on how well we are doing in life, if one aspect is lacking in others praise, despite our work, we come to detest it. This psychology results in the developers understanding the importance of acknowledging how far the players have come, and how their end goal is just moments away, like a tantalising fruit swinging on a branch we are not yet tall enough to reach. This motivation causes the player to not put the controller down, in hopes that victory is near. To further enlarge and groom their egos, which in the end, is what everyone wants from life. Side quests are also a controversial part of the gaming experience, many believe that adding them distracts a person from the actual game, and that they are just a waste of time. Whereas, others say they boost familiarity with the game and its simulation, also giving some sense of completion. Hence, to appease both sides, side quests should be added but made optional, so one is not thrust into them but rather it should be delicately placed as another adventure to take on. 

Just like in all other art forms, consumers thirst for originality, with so many people and so many more ideas constricted into art, repetition is inevitable. However, developers can give the illusion of originality if originality is hard to code. First, an intriguingly different art style along with a message that is rarely spoken of is necessary. Secondly, do not make this all ages, specificity and target audience always improve the quality of art. These instructions,if followed correctly, will result in another widely known game.

The author's comments:

Hi, my name is Fatima and I wrote this piece on a whim. It dives deep into what is required for a great game. Hope you like it <3

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