An Event in My Life | Teen Ink

An Event in My Life

September 14, 2023
By Anonymous

One event in my life that has shaped me as who I am today is the realization that thinking about a smart future is essential for personal growth and success. It was during middle school when I started thinking about my future more than anyone I know. It also started when I had a conversation with my older cousin, who emphasized the importance of setting goals and planning for the future. This conversation sparked a newfound interest in self-improvement and motivated me to think about my long-term goals and aspirations.
I started by defining my personal values and creating a plan to achieve my academic and career goals. I also began to take action towards building skills and gaining experiences that aligned with my goals.
Thinking about a smart future has also helped me develop a growth mindset, which has been vital in overcoming obstacles and setbacks. I now approach or see challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than as failures.
Overall, the realization that thinking about a smart future is determining personal growth and success has had a significant impact on my life. It has allowed me to develop a clear sense of purpose and direction and has helped me to become the person I am today.

The author's comments:

I was born in May, I really enjoy hanging out with my friends, it's always a lot of fun. I absolutely love shopping, finding random/cute stuff to waste money on. I'm into drama, like watching movies and real life drama, but I prefer to avoid getting caught up in one though. Reading is something I do sometimes, but it depends on the book or story. And most importantly, I just want to say that I love my mom a lot, she means the world to me.

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