Watch where you step | Teen Ink

Watch where you step

September 14, 2023
By Anonymous

A story as old as time, a story that probably sounds familiar to you, this is a story of a boy who flew too close to the sun like Icarus. Unlike Icarus this boy managed to recover. This is a story about one and some of the experiences that I've learned throughout my life. I hope that you will try to pay attention to my lessons and to not make the same mistakes I've made 


Firstly, Pride. My first sin on this list would have to be pride, I'm a very prideful person when it comes to myself and the others around myself. Secondly, I'm very proud of all the opportunities that I've gotten in this world so far. If I had to sum it all up and say the thing I would be the most prideful but would have to be myself. Because of my pride I've gotten myself into some situations that could be easily avoided if I had gotten advice from my peers, one example of this would be the time I was painting this grain setup for the governor of Nebraska, because of my pride I took on a difficult job that I didn't have all the necessary equipment and because of that I could have lost out on future work with the govt. In my opinion pride can be helpful but it also can hurt and that is why you should check your pride and ground yourself to earth every once in a while.

Secondly, my overconfidence is one of my major flaws. When it comes to all the things around me I have the utmost confidence, because in my culture if you are not confident in handling your business you are not respected. Confidence is key for many things, like talking to the opposite gender and also public speaking but the most important thing that i use my confidence in life for is, My business because if you don't have the confidence required for talking with your clients you come off as untrustworthy and that leaves a sour taste in some people's mouths because all most people want is assurance that your going t do the a good job and they want the confidence that there making the right decision and if you cannot have that confidence in yourself then i'd doubt that they would have confidence in you. If I had to sum it up I’d say confidence is a tool and it should be used in the right way.


 Lastly, I think you should use your mistakes and the mistakes of others to grow upon. Because without growth all there is decay. In my opinion I do not  respect people that don't have a desire for growth and improvement in their lives because I see that to be a sign of weakness. This past I've been struggling with my drive to keep improving and I've been feeling that I've going hit a plateau when it comes to my skill and I'm afraid that i will be unable to continue further, what I hate the most is waste of talent but i also fear it I fear that all the effort and hours that I've put into my skills and the things around me will go to waste. With all this information I hope that you can use this to steady your mind and to set your eyes on the prize.

The author's comments:

something about me is that I've started to run my own business and I personally believe that people are unaware about how much money is available and how easy it is to start.

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