The Cupcake | Teen Ink

The Cupcake

March 9, 2023
By Berra_K BRONZE, San Jose, California
Berra_K BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She reached for the butter in the back over the fridge. She cut half and put it into a small bowl then into the microwave for 30 seconds. Hearing the microwave beep, she takes the hot bowl out with her bare hands and pours it into the mixture of ingredients. She got a wooden spoon from the drawer next to her and started mixing. She looked out the window. Rain. it was raining heavily, she looked at the clock on top of the tv stand. It has been running for almost 3 hours now.

 She quickly moved the wooden spoon before the mixture of ingredients dripped onto the newly bought rug in the kitchen and placed it into a bowl of dirty water. Filling it up with more water, she left and got cocoa powder from the cabinets. She closed the water and poured 1 cup of cocoa powder into the mixture of ingredients and slowly mixed them together until it had been the color dark brown. She reached over in the bag with walnuts and got a few. She opened the utensils drawer and got a small knife. She started cutting them into tiny pieces and dropping them in the mixture. As she was cutting, the knife slipped off of her hand and cut her index finger deeply. The finger, bleeding non-stop, dripped into the mixture. One by one, more and more blood was added into the mixture. She didn't mind it. She went and washed her hand in the kitchen sink which was full of dirty dishes that needed to be washed. She came back to the mixture, sitting in front of her, she decided to go with it and got the mixer and started stirring the ingredients until it looked ready. She poured it in red polka dotted cupcake liners, put them into the hot oven and waited until they were solid and ready.

The author's comments:

This passage is about a time when I was baking cupcakes and accidentally cutting myself while trying to cut walnuts. I found this memory very creepy and shocking. I usually don't like baking, because I feel like it's not something I'm good at, but as I'm doing more and more, I'm getting better even though I still make some mistakes…like cutting myself with a knife. For this reason, I wrote about a girl baking bloody cupcakes in a quiet kitchen while raining to show spookiness. This passage is based on a moment in my life that actually happened.

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