Me vs. Animal Farm | Teen Ink

Me vs. Animal Farm

December 19, 2022
By MadisonM8 BRONZE, Brusly, Louisiana
MadisonM8 BRONZE, Brusly, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I could say that I am an allegory for my father. Moreover, we both are hard workers that strive for success. We both work hard to achieve our goals with a positive attitude. However, this connects to Jones and Tsar in the animal farm because they are related by both failing at being a ruler. In other words, this is an allegory because it's what they represent. I am representing my father because I look up to him as my role model.

The author's comments:

During class, we were reading Animal Farm and I came across something that stood out to me. It was about Mr.Jones being an allegory for Tsar. In other words, this made me think about how I am an allegory for my father. Moreover, this means that I look up to my dad as a role model and follow in his footsteps. This relates to Mr.Jones and Tsar because they are both terrible rulers.

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