Types of Drivers | Teen Ink

Types of Drivers

December 1, 2022
By apre994 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
apre994 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Most of us here know how to drive, and for those who don’t, it’s not always as great at it seems. But for the most part, everyone is very organized, follows all rules, there are no drivers that show their emotion through their speed. No-NEVER. Or so we wish. Not everyone is capable of pressing a pedal with their foot and rotating a large wheel in front of their face but, there are people out there who drive just to get from point A to point B. But not everyone follows that logic the same way a ‘normal’ driver would.

                                                     The “I hate driving” driver

This person has no interest in driving, nor they enjoy it either. These people are usually the kind of people who go 5 under the speed limit, or the kind that goes 10 over. They are the type that get mad at someone for staying at a green light for 2 seconds too long because all they can think of it “I hate driving” and want to get out of the vehicle as soon as possible. Most of these kinds of drivers drive a car that gets the job done- something like a ford taurus, an older Chevy malibu, or a Toyota Corolla. Reasons for the hate of driving include: fear, anxiety, or maybe they’re just bad; so bad they become overjoyed for being able to back into a parking spot with out hitting anything around them.


                                                The Daddy’s money driver

This isn’t necessarily pointed towards a specific gender like many think, this could be anyone, just as long as they meet this criteria: their first car is a luxury car similar to a Rover, Mercedes, Audi, Tesla etc., the car costs 30k+, they got their car before they even got their license and they forget how to use turn signals. Okay, these people just annoy me, I don’t even have to know them personally, to me if your first car is an unreasonably expensive luxury car, you have life on easy mode and it isn’t going to treat you the way daddy did. This becomes even worse when the driver is below average when it comes to experience with driving. These drivers also usually have a massive ego that needs to be fixed one way or the other. If one buys their car using their money they worked for with time and effort, this becomes more valid, in fact, you have my respect.






The driver that “has things to do and places to be”

Otherwise know as the “you’re going too slow” even if you’re going 5 over the limit. Mostly on the highway, you see these drivers in the 2012 Nissan Altima from around 1,000 feet away in your rearview mirror. A few seconds later you see the same Altima almost up against your rear bumper, causing you to speed up to a casual 75 in a 65. Since the Altima “has better things to do, they decide to switch lanes and speed up to get in front you and off into the distance. Usually how it goes from here is either you see them get caught by the police for speeding or they take the same exit as you and-what do you know, you, who driving at the speed limit, manage to see the same Altima right next to you- caught by a red light.


                                    The “I’m always on top of what’s trending” driver

In other words, the driver that needs to check their phone for every ‘ding’ they hear from their phone. The just absolutely can’t live without see what’s happening there and then on their friends Instagram feed, some of them just absolutely have got to finish their clash royale game they started in traffic and somehow, get bored at the 1-minute red lights. These drivers are probably the most common types of drivers regardless of their age and gender. These drivers are mostly found in sub-urban and urban areas. These drivers have to immediately taken off the road and if you know a driver like this, teach them a lesson or two. They cause dangers to them and everyone around them by causing crashes, swerving, speeding, not paying attention to the road etc. There aren’t any specific cars they drive, but usually similar to the “I hate driving category”.


                                                                        The ‘Modder’

Hands-down best kind of driver, up to an extent. These drivers slam their car, love driving, and when it doesn’t put others in danger, they may stretch the boundaries just a bit by pulling a quick drift or 2 at a round about or at in an open space. Unfortunately, these are kinds of the drivers that usually wakes up all the neighborhoods they drive by because of how much stuff they add to their car. They add modifications such as turbos’, exhausts, superchargers, intakes, spoilers and so on. Modder’s are mostly seen during the night time which explains all the noise they make during everyone’s bed time. These drivers can be seen with stickers on their cars that say things like “If I’m gonna spend 5 bucks a gallon for gas, Imma make sure you hear every cent of it”. These drivers are usually seen driving around in cars like a Nissan 350z, Infinity g36, Subaru WRX, Scion Frs and Toyota 86. These drivers do what they do to have little kids point at their car, receive looks of approvals from other car guys and show up to every car show they can. So, in the end, these drivers aren’t that bad to have around as they mean no harm but mostly to entertain and be entertained





The ‘Normal’ driver

There aren’t enough of these drivers. These are the people who don’t think much of driving, other than just thinking of it as being something they have to do in order for them to complete their day-to-day tasks. They try and keep themselves and the others in and outside of the car safe by following all laws and at the very most, go 5mph higher than the speed limit just to keep up with traffic. These drivers are usually very new, or ones that have a ton of experience driving, so it's simply not fun anymore. Most of the drivers are usually around the ages of 65+. These drivers drive everything but muscle cars, sport cars, large sized trucks, and Tesla’s. Normal drivers are very patient, tolerant, and have no intent on annoying others by making sure they always use their turn signals, make slow stops, keep a constant speed, and not cutting off over-takers.

The author's comments:

Car enthusiast, gamer, streamer, video and content creator on the climb.

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