Is Bigfoot Real or Not? | Teen Ink

Is Bigfoot Real or Not?

March 25, 2022
By nolanroney1 SILVER, Mt. Zion, Illinois
nolanroney1 SILVER, Mt. Zion, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Is the legendary Bigfoot real or not? This question has been a mystery for 70 years. Although the majority of Americans don’t believe in Bigfoot, they brush this idea off like nothing and think nothing of it. I, on the other hand, think that there’s something deeper, darker than what we assume of this tale. We, believers, dig deep into the facts, like to think of all the dark secrets that the government keeps from the public. Take Area 51 as an example, the public doesn’t even know what’s in there, that one isn’t even the worst, I bet. Bigfoot info may be one of those cases. Think about it, whenever the theory came out about Bigfoot, the scientists attacked it so harshly. Their opinions shaped the whole world. Scientists are humans, too, right? They hide things and make mistakes. It only makes me wonder even more, why did they attack the theory so quickly? Maybe they know it is real but didn’t get permission from the government to perform the dangerous stunt. They may have had the record stowed away and away from the naked eye. They genetically modify animals today, maybe one of them was pricked by the needle they were injecting into the test subject and was modified. The scientists may act as if they don’t agree with the Bigfoot theory so the government never suspects anything. Again, for all of the scientists that may read this I am not trying to offend them, I’m simply trying to figure this mystery out once and for all.

The author's comments:

I was looking through my Google Drive and I remembered that I had written this debate piece from sixth grade. If you dislike this piece, please tell me in the comments what I can do to fix it.

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