How Hitler Can Happen Again | Teen Ink

How Hitler Can Happen Again

May 31, 2021
By Anonymous

This might be an unusual statement that you are about to read, especially in such modern times; however, throughout history, Adolf Hitler is an excellent textbook example of how dangerous leaders can be when given power and influence. He was right when he said this "The victor will never be asked if he told the truth." Hitler died because he would have rather died a victor than live defeated, and in many ways, he embodied the role of a fascist leader until he died. I think that if you consider all of the things that have occurred during and after World War Two. I know that some people don't believe that the holocaust even happened, which is quite concerning when you look at the number of lives that it took. It was genocidal in its devastation; an entire generation was wiped out in five years, and the ironic thing is that in the right circumstances, Hitler can happen again.

The occurrence of fascist leaders is more easily understood when countries have faced crisis and destruction. They tend to be more open to one person who will lead them to a better future. However, this method is only fully effective when one can have complete control over politics and communication. For instance, "The phenomenon of the fascist leaders becomes somewhat easier to understand. Some countries in periods of crisis have a greater proclivity than others do to opt for a savior. This instinct is as old as humankind, but it could become fully effective only in the age of mass politics and mass communications."

Often, countries or people in crisis are looking for a leader to guide them and make the future better than the past. Often leaders like Hitler have had so much influence and power because they have had specific opportunities in history that give them the opening they needed. Furthermore, if Hitler hadn't been born at that particular time in history and the world hadn't been just getting out of a war and shedding old ideas for the new, then Hitler could not have possibly been able to garner as much support as he did. He would probably have passed through life unknown and unseen; however, he didn't because of circumstances afforded to him at the time he was in.

The Nazism ideals and ethics were quite harsh, as any fascist groups are. They often used fear and Terror and widespread propaganda to elicit fear and submission from their citizens, a technique that worked well to create silence and cowardness. In general, the Nazis' attitude was very much like this "One of the fundamental tenets on Nazism was that the enemy had to be not just defeated but also destroyed."

The techniques that Hitler used to spread his propaganda and image were quite interesting. The Nazis used the country's fear and instability at the time to make them listen and pay attention to what was going on. They used radios and TVs to get the message across to more wealthy people, and they used newspapers and posters for the poor. All of the news that was being put out was different for different classes of people. The propaganda that Hitler and the Nazi party used at the time fit into what they were trying to convey in their messages that they were the only future and the only choice.

For more than thousands of years, Terror and fear have been used to help politicians in their quest for power. When you look at how fascism used the concept of Terror and fear and compared it to other groups, you will find a very different message. You would probably think of some of the most notable fascist leaders, such as Mussolini and Hitler, and how they used it and combined it with widespread persuasive propaganda. Hence, they redefined what propaganda meant and how people could use it. For instance, the Nazis' way of using propaganda was like creating ripples in a lake; they slowly spread, and over time, they grew bigger until they dominated the water. "Terror has been used as a political instrument from time immemorial. The Terror of fascism differs from that of other dictatorships not just because it applied Terror on such a massive scale, but because it combined the use of Terror with widespread, all-persuasive propaganda."

Adolf Hitler and many others like him continue to make us look at our actions throughout history and reflect on them. I think that this quote from Adolf Hitler sums up. What I am trying to say is, "Winning without problem is just victory, but winning with lots of trouble creates history." Hitler made history, but it was how he made it that defines both himself and the people that followed him. Hitler can happen again. It is just a matter of circumstances and the time of both the past and future and who will start a spark that creates the fire.

The author's comments:

Hi, My name is Sophie I live in Nairobi, Kenya and I am going into 9th grade I am an identical twin and I have a bulldog named Brutus who loves cheese and ice cream I am also a book worm and I love to read and write quotes. 

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