My Personal Hades | Teen Ink

My Personal Hades

May 7, 2021
By czavala7405 BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
czavala7405 BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Honestly, my worst nightmare had to have been the night I had dreamt I was in the ocean. I remember watching a documentary on how life lives on the bottom of the sea where no light can reach, wherever you look, it’s just black. That’s what this was, except I was slowly sinking, watching as the transparent blue morphed into a deep navy and then to nothing. I had no oxygen, it was impossible that I would’ve made it that far down without it and I wasn’t drowning, so I knew I had to be dreaming. After what felt like hours, I felt myself touch a hard surface, the bottom of the sea. My chest felt heavy and my head pounded as my eyes would try to adjust. It was like when the basement door would close on me as a kid; when I would swing my arms out in front of me and feel my arms cut the still air ahead of me but see absolutely nothing. There was no sound, but the ocean was loud, calling out to me and my skin would crawl. I felt like I was shrinking in size due to the vast emptiness that I knew surrounded me. I wanted to swim up, but I couldn’t feel anything, and I just locked up. My eyes opened but seeing nothing and I’ve never felt more terrified. Not knowing what’s coming or where I was, straining my eyes to see what’s ahead of me and there be nothing at all. I woke up the next morning choking on my own breath. I assume because that dream was just so hard to swallow. I don’t think oceans will ever be the same to me again, and I don’t see myself taking any trips anytime soon. If this were to happen to me, I don’t think I’d be the same. I’d never want to close my eyes. After having the dream, I relished in the sight of my room, enjoying the little things like being able to see where I’m walking. I also don’t think I’d be able to deal with water in general. However, nothing will ever compare to the feeling of being so small, so minuscule that I knew no one would ever find me. Like finding a needle in a haystack, I had lost all hope. Feeling like I couldn’t breathe, there was nothing there, but not choking. Stuck like a statue as I float to the seafloor and left there, being forgotten about and forced to stare out into nothing until everything was that. Nothing. So, in conclusion, my personal hell would have to be being stuck on sea level with no light, no hope, and the feeling of being forgotten.

The author's comments:

My name is Camille, I wrote this piece for class to describe my worst nightmare. I felt the way that I described the feeling I'd had throughout was beautiful and I wanted to share it with others. I'm very proud of the short passage I wrote and I hope others will get to enjoy it too. 

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