Reaching Your Dreams by Choosing Optimism | Teen Ink

Reaching Your Dreams by Choosing Optimism

January 28, 2021
By behrrinke BRONZE, Austin, Texas
behrrinke BRONZE, Austin, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

      Could optimism help us create stronger communities? While our current relationships may not reflect this idea, it is always a possibility. By using positivity as a means to form relationships, I will weave a thread of optimism to connect the people around me. 

     Community starts, first and foremost, from within. Because of this, I will start forming community by first focusing on myself. Moving forward with my life, I want to try to refocus my thoughts to help encourage and motivate me. Reshaping the way we see ourselves is important for self growth. If we cannot be patient and kind to ourselves, then how could we be expected to treat others this way? Optimism comes first from within, growing like a tree until it covers even the furthest neighbor in shade. 

     Continuing to focus on myself, I will look toward what I want out of a community. For starters, I hope to offer commonality between each person. Whether that be interests, activities, or hobbies, I want my friendships to be built with a strong backbone for support. I desire for this group to share an optimistic viewpoint. Sharing optimism and interests with these people will allow our group to feel comfortable with each other, as well as allowing each person to feel seen.

     Once I have practiced optimism within myself, I will set my sights on the outside world, weaving a thread of optimism into the relationships I create. When having a personal conversation with one of my friends, rather than focusing on the negative aspects, I will look toward the good. 

     Everyone desires community. Using optimism, I will seek out other dreamers and enthusiasts of life. I will form these friendships carefully and thoughtfully, serving as the foundation of the group. We will find that a community built on optimism is one that can withstand even the toughest tragedies and adversities.

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