The Importance of Fun | Teen Ink

The Importance of Fun

December 3, 2020
By tjval329 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
tjval329 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Spongebob defines fun as “friends who do stuff together anywhere and anytime at all.” The dictionary defines it as enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure. Personally, I believe that fun has a fluid definition, and that each individual has the right to define fun as they please. Due to its cheerful connotation the word fun should not be taken too seriously, but the weight of the word is not something to be overlooked.

When one thinks of history, things like the rise and fall of empires, elderly statesmen, and wars come to mind. It can be hard to imagine that a word such as “fun” has a history, and even harder to imagine that its history is complex, interesting, and has had an impact on our world today. Up until the 11th century, the concept of fun was considered a stuffy diversion for the upper class. Lower classes were too concerned with working and surviving due to widespread poverty to even think of fun. However, fun took a giant step forward when the French “invented” it on a casual level and introduced it to Europe in the 11th century. The first time fun was portrayed in the arts came in the form of a book written by Geoffrey Chaucer. Canterbury Tales was an unorthodox novel that revolutionized the way fun was seen in England. It was no longer a diversion for the rich and wealthy, but now was something even peasants and serfs could enjoy. This may seem weird to us today since the concept of fun is commonplace, but centuries ago fun was a privilege, whereas today it is considered a natural right. This did not come quickly or easily, as there were many bumps along the way. Having fun was outlawed by many rulers of England for quite some time, as it was considered a vice that brought no good. But finally, in the 18th century it was widely accepted and eventually made its way to America, because in Europe, fun was still considered potentially dangerous. Petty criminals convicted of this minor crime emigrated to America, bringing the idea of fun with them. This fortunate side effect has had a major impact on American history and culture, still impacting American society today. Largely because of America’s global influence, the idea of fun can be seen around the world and has changed over time, evolving into a broader idea without a singular meaning.

Due to its flexible nature, the word fun can be used in many ways. A common example can be found in the phrase “making fun” of someone or something. One of my most memorable experiences involving making fun of someone was when my friend has just gotten his wisdom teeth taken out. The way he talked was strange, so my friends and I felt obligated to point this out between bursts of laughter. With a faux scowl on his face, he said in his muffled voice, “Don’t make fun of me.” At that point, we all burst out laughing. In this situation, it was a shared joke amongst friends, but “making fun” of someone can be much more serious. If one person is being made fun of, and does not find it funny, it can then be classified as bullying. This issue is not taken seriously enough by many people, despite its severity. I personally haven’t experienced bullying, but I know people who have. The multitude of consequences, both internal and external, demonstrate that there is a fine line in regard to “making fun,” and as long as everyone knows that line it can lead to a good time for everyone.

While taking into account the potentially harmful side of the word fun, the most widely accepted version includes enjoyment, laughter, and overall happiness, and it has a positive connotation in almost every situation. But the definition of fun is not concrete. Two general categories characterize the different ways one can have fun: having fun alone, and having fun with a group or other people. Some people prefer their alone time, others love socializing, but most people enjoy a mixture of the two. While the overall feeling of fun is the same with both categories, the activities associated with fun and their respective definitions vary greatly.

A foolproof way to have fun is by doing something you enjoy, without worrying about other people. Having fun alone can be very enjoyable and rewarding. Everyone has things they like to do, creating an infinite number of things that are considered fun. One of my favorite ways to have fun alone is through video games. Something about the mental stimulation combined with the casualness of it appeals to me. My parents say I'm addicted, but I argue the contrary. While playing video games is my favorite pastime, there are a plethora of activities that I, and many other people on earth, consider fun. Reading, writing, and exercising are just a few examples of fun hobbies. The myriad of fun activities and the multitude of things people consider to be fun emphasizes the fluidity of the word. Since so many people have different definitions of fun, it is impossible to nail down one universal meaning of fun.

On the other hand, if you are social and prefer parties over privacy, having fun in a group is incredible. Similar to having fun alone, there are an infinite number of ways to have fun with others. However, when one chooses solitude, they miss out on human interaction that is fulfilling to so many. Humans are made to connect with other humans, and spending time with other people satisfies this basic need. Almost anything can be done with friends, like seeing a movie, going out to eat, hanging out at a park, and much, much more. One of my favorite things to do with friends is get something to drink and walk around a shopping center. We are able to talk, laugh, and have a good time together. This connection is what makes spending time with people so fun, and there are so many ways to have fun with others that its definition is individual rather than universal.

It's sad to think that Spongebob may never have created his song about fun since at one point having fun was banned in Europe. The word fun highlights the freedoms we have today, where something now taken for granted was once taken away. Freedoms like these are a part of human identity, and analyzing this word helped me realize that. Thinking of the fact that these freedoms may not last forever made me realize that nothing is certain, and we should therefore be grateful for each and every day. This realization was unexpected; I didn’t expect to be contemplating gratitude and our freedoms when researching a cheerful word like fun. Fun is a complex word, and it has a deceiving depth to it that highlights its significance, both from a personal perspective and a broader one. The word fun holds power, but its power should not detract from the joyus element of the word. It is the epitome of fluidity, as it can be used by anyone, anytime, anyplace, and to describe anything. Having fun is important; it connects the world through laughter, and is a brilliant light among a world full of darkness.

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