Minimum wage should be Higher | Teen Ink

Minimum wage should be Higher

November 20, 2019
By Anonymous

Minimum wage is low and benefical for anyone. Making minimum wage doesn't cover rent in the US. Most people don’t make a live-able wage to do anything. If you don’t make enough to have a home then you won’t be able to do anything else either.

Since minimum wage is low, people don’t make enough to live on their own. Adults with their own families have to live with their parents. Some people are homeless and job-less. Almost everyone needs help paying for things. Yes, there are some people out there that are rich but that is very slim.

Since minimum wage is low, it has increased the amount of unemployment. Minimum wage decrease umemployment. People can’t keep a job, a job that is only paying minimum wage. So they have to file for unemployment to be able to live. Unemployment is not something to relie on. Not everyone is accepted even if it is filed. I think everyone should get, if applied, unemployment.

I think minimum wage being highered, would help everyone overall. Adults can raise their own families in their own homes. Even when minimum wage goes up, it will help a little but the economy will raise highly to. But the economy raising will help everyone overall. Minimum wage being highered. I think increasing minimum wage will be better for the economy and everyone overall.

Minimum wage is most jobs and like most jobs those jobs don’t offer health benefits like disablities. Health care will help out everyone because healthcare is expensive. I think every job should offer health care even part time people too, because that could help out families. The families can save money to use towards a home, food, etc. Health Care. I think minimum wage being highered and healthcare for every employee will benefit everyone overall.

I think everyone is in credit card debt because they have to use money they don’t have to buy everything they can’t afford. Like most people can hardly afford homes,food,entertainment, etc. I think we need to be raised to $15.00 and hour. That will help everyone a little bit more. They are talking about only raising Denver to $15.00 and hour. That would only help certain people, that live in Denver. That is not benefical. I want everyone to stop struggling. $15.00 an hour only in denver. I think raising minimum wage will benefit everyone. 

Even raising minimum may not help everyone achevie their goals in life. It is hard to be happy when you don’t have the money to be happy sometimes. Minimum wage needs to be higher. I can see how some people don’t want minimum wage to be rasied because it will raise their mortage, rent, etc., but it will be for the better.

Minimum wage isn’t just when it gets raised all of our problems are gone, minimum wage will still keep being a problem. People will still need help like food stamps, unemployment, etc., but that will only be a small portion. I hope.

Minimum wage is only reaching $12.00 per hour. That isn’t enough to pay for our living expenses. Minimum wage only reaching $12.00 per hour. Minimum wage isn’t enough to pay anything. Going out to eat, trips, shopping, etc. Those are things that we can do with our families and enjoy time together. I wish most places paid more than minimum wage. That would benefit not just one person but a whole enitre community. I hope someone out there hears me and changes everyone’s lifes instanly.

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