Are Teens Smarter Than the Previous Generation? | Teen Ink

Are Teens Smarter Than the Previous Generation?

June 5, 2019
By KB798 BRONZE, Melbourne, Other
KB798 BRONZE, Melbourne, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Are teens smarter than the previous generation because of technology?


Teens today regularly sit in front of screens and are raised with technology. While they may be playing more online games, they are developing critical thinking skills, tactical evaluation and decision making. The technology is making student learning more engaging. There’s no doubt that kids are getting smarter than ever before. Exam results are constantly climbing around the world, and a greater proportion of people possess higher education qualifications than ever before supported by MEL science is one of a company. That is why all the country use technology for studying. Most teens are using the internet to learn things and research and do their homework.


It is good that we have technology because we can research the things we don’t understand, all thanks to the internet and the technology. They also learn new things when they are on the technology. Kids learn things better when its audio and visual, so technology is good for learning. Also, in school we use our devices or school devices to do assignments. And in schools there are computers for students to use to do research. My personal connections are I am a teenager that use technology for researching and homework. I use my devices for work at school and mostly for homework and own purpose and I also play games and play music on my devices. Books are slower to get answers than internet, so we submitted our work to the teachers, and it is easy to be submitted online thanks to technology. And all the teens also use technology for everything like me. That is why teens are smarter because they know the technology better than our parents.


It is more fun learning with technology at school. We have this BYOD program where we bring our own devices, so all the students bring their devices and uses it for work in class. That means teens are smarter than the previous generations. We all use technology for work, school and other jobs etc. We also use it for contacting with your family and friends. We also do it for group assignments, and you need to contact your group members so you all can do the work together. I interview a person named Mariam and she uses a lot of technology in her life, so I interview her, and this is what she said. I think technology helps us by giving almost every question for us and technology help us communicate with each other.


Her personal connection with technology is that I use it almost every single day to do homework, search up words that I don’t understand etc. Yes, technology is impacting on us because our whole generation of teens are using technology for school and for own purposes. I personally think technology is making us smart because we use it for many reasons like communication and for schoolwork. I personally think do think this generation of teens are smarter than last generation of teens because we have technology to use for own purpose and school. That is why technology is very good for us. It helps all of us with whatever we are doing now like homework or assignments or anything. Everyone is learning from devices and it helps us learn and be smarter. In the future there are going to be a lot of technology and we are all going to rely on it.       

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