BUNNY | Teen Ink


May 21, 2019
By Anonymous

I didn’t believe in childish antics like Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, or the Easter Bunny, but that was going to change, for one of these I can now say, I believe. It was a normal dark saturday night. When the clock struck 11:00 I had just awoken from my dreams. I didn’t know what my dream was but it caused me to need to go number one really badly. I live on the second floor in my families two story house, my room is at a good vantage point were you can see down at the second floor and get a good view. As I was leaving my room to go to the bathroom that was just down the hall on the creaky carpet floor.

I don’t know if what I did was for the best or not. I looked down, down at the messy second floor. I will never forget what I saw that day. Down on the second floor standing incredibly still not moving an inch, was a bunny a big giant, Easter Bunny.

I did nothing but stare at this big creature that was in my living room. The big coat of fur the dark purple tuxedo and the basket full of painted colorful eggs. What was I to do, I thought to myself. At the time it terrified me. Not because it was a big bunny in my living room, but because it wasn’t moving a muscle. That night before I went to bed me and my family had just watched “Narnia the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe” for the first time and the ice queen scared the crap out of me, seeing the rabbit not moving made me think that it was frozen by the evil ice queen, in cold blood.

I stayed behind waiting for the big rabbit to go away, but everytime I did it wouldn’t move or leave. After waiting for a couple minutes I decided to give up on my journey to the bathroom and return back to my safe comfortable room. I went back to my room and went under my covers and stayed there the rest of the night.

I woke up Sunday morning to the blinding bright sun. I went out of my room and everyone was up and about, no rabbit in sight. After our somewhat enjoyable Easter I was still puzzled at what had happened last night. Was it real, was it an allusion, or perhaps a dream. It’s been seven years now and I’m still not completely sure, but it made me believe that it was possible, whether it was real or fake it still will be something I never forget.

The author's comments:

True story saw him for reals!

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