Long Distance | Teen Ink

Long Distance

March 26, 2019
By KimTTran16 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
KimTTran16 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wholeheartedly agree with Lilly in her article due to similar bonds that I inherited with my Internet friends. There are many connections that I made as I got to know others from across the world. My loved ones often update me with the weather and scenery with descriptions or images. I'm intrigued with the unique locations that we are all from; our bonds are truly unbreakable, as if we've known each other for years. This article brought a warm smile to my face as the memories run through my head with my lovable Internet friends "as we continued to talk...we grow closer". Thank you, Lilly for a touching article that influences unbreakable bonds worldwide.

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