Why is Dystopian Literature So Popular? | Teen Ink

Why is Dystopian Literature So Popular?

February 5, 2019
By ebautista66 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
ebautista66 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
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What is dystopian literature? An even better question: What is a dystopia? A dystopia is a made-up world where a great injustice or disaster has struck, and the people are left to their own devices. Authors of dystopian stories play with themes of rebellion, oppression, revolutions, wars, overpopulation, and disasters. Some popular examples of dystopian literature are The Hunger Games, The Giver, “Ten with a Flag”, “The Veldt”, and “Harrison Bergeron”. Dystopian literature has seen a rise in popularity today, especially among teens, because people think that’s where the world is headed, it can help teens figure themselves out and learn things, and also it is fun and entertaining to read.

With the way the world is now it could be headed toward things that dystopian literature shows in books. Greg Boose says in the article Are Dystopian Novels Here to Stay?, “One could argue that dystopian literature continues to be popular today because that’s where readers think our world is headed, and we’re either fascinated by it or we’re trying to figure out how to turn it all around” (Boose). With all the problems in the world today concerning politics, terrorists, debt, and etc. the world could become dystopian. Dystopian literature shows us some things that could potentially happen in the real world. Keep in mind that a lot of dystopian literature is least likely to happen but I am sure it is still a possibility. In The Artifice it says, “This style of writing is so popular because it makes readers think of interesting topics that seem realistic, yet fictional. The rising popularity of dystopian literature among adolescent audiences is prominent in today’s pop culture due to its relevance in young adult’s lives, its direct comparisons to current events in today’s world, and its originality in relation to other genres” (The Artifice). There are some things in dystopian literature that seem completely unrealistic but there are some other things that if you really think about could be possible. The situations that seem possible could actually happen in real life if it became that terrible. In the short story ”Ten with a Flag” it says, “My wardrobe had picked out a deep-blue chiffon evening gown for me. I dressed in front of the full length mirror and once I was ready, the lights dimmed while the environmental controls chose the scent of roses to fill the room” (Haines). In this short story it shows something that could potentially happen in real life. I’m sure that in the future there could be real closets that will be able to pick out your outfits for the day, or even just for an event you are going to.

Teenagers could use these books to help figure out who they are. In The Artifice it says, “Young adults, with the drama and the hormones, are trying to figure out who they are and what they want to be in life” (The Artifice). This type of literature can help teens because the themes or lessons within the story can relate to their current situation or future situations to come. Also, it can help give them answers to things they need answers to. In the article Why Are Teens Reading Dystopian Novels? Francisca Goldsmith quoted Jamee saying, “‘One of those answers for me is 'never go crazy over power,' which I learned from [Frank Beddor's] The Looking Glass Wars. Power is like a scar, and it can ruin your life. Themes like this help me in my own life’” (Jamee). Teenagers can also learn very valuable lessons from dystopian stories. With all the events that happen in these types of stories, they do have a main point or lesson for the reader to pull from the story. That lesson can help the reader for challenges they are going through right now or maybe something they will go through in the future. In the short story “Harrison Bergeron” it says, “And it was in that clammy month that the H-G men took George and Hazel Bergeron’s fourteen year old son, Harrison, away… ‘Harrison Bergeron, age fourteen,’ she said in a grackle squawk, ‘has just escaped from jail, where he was held on suspicion of plotting to overthrow the government’” (Vonnegut). This quote from Harrison Bergeron shows us that Harrison doesn’t get to make his own decisions. The government is controlling him and and his actions. Harrison breaks free from jail because he is tired of having to wear a tremendous pair of earphones, spectacles with thick wavy lenses, and all of the other things he needs to do to be equal with everyone else. He wants to live his own life and wants to be able to do what he wants. He is trying to take control of his own life to be able to figure out what he wants to do and how he wants to live.

This type of literature can be very fun and interesting for a teenager to read. In the article Are Dystopian Novels Here to Stay? Greg Boose says, “Combine all of the above with the fact that young adult dystopian books are, by and large, fast paced and fun to read, with characters trying to save the world” (Boose). In dystopian literature there is a lot of energy throughout. As you read a part that has a ton of energy you might start feeling yourself to become more energetic. This shows that you got into the book and enjoy reading it. In The Artifice it says, “The concept of dystopian literature is to not only entertain readers, but to let them understand the ideas and characteristics of a dystopian society” (The Artifice). You might think dystopian literature is fun to read, but it also helps teach teenagers what this type of literature is all about. While reading you will get an understanding of what a dystopian story is all about and it will help you learn more about them as well. In the short story “The Veldt” it says, “He stared at the two children seated in the center of the open glade eating a little picnic lunch” (Bradbury). This quote shows you how extra a dystopian literature story can be. Dystopian literature can be very funny and weird throughout the story but it can definitely be very over the top and extra. Like for example, in this quote it says they are having a picnic right after they killed their parents. Why do we find it intriguing that they are just sitting there having a picnic?

Dystopian literature is so popular because one day a thing like this may happen to our world. These stories are surprisingly relatable, even through the more tragic themes. This type of literature teaches the reader things, even if not in the most explicit way. It is important that we know these things about dystopian literature because it could be helpful to know throughout your life.

The author's comments:

In this article, I tell you about the popularity of dystopian literature especially among teenagers today.  

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