The Rising of Dystopian Literature | Teen Ink

The Rising of Dystopian Literature

February 5, 2019
By ddahlberg14 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
ddahlberg14 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dystopian literature has become so popular in young adult readers and I can see why based on how interesting these stories can be. Dystopian literature is basically stories that take place in towns, citys, or even worlds and it tries to make everything equal. In a dystopian this could be a bad by taking away basic human rights or changing the way people live.  A story I have read titled Ten With a Flag is a great example of how people live in a dystopian manner. “ We central had control” (Ten with a Flag) explains how in dystopian literature there's not many freedoms people have. It’s all run by central or the government or some higher power. I know that dystopian literature is rising in popularity and I can tell from the many movies and books coming out in the past two years.

  Dystopian literature has been on a rise for many years and it has been appealing to many  age groups including young adult, teens , and even some kids. An article The Rising Popularity of Dystopian Literature talks a lot about how dystopian literature is on the rise and how the genre is so big these years. “ Dystopian fiction has grown as a genre and continues to evolve today. One of the first dystopian novels to become famous was George Orwell’s 1984, which is still one of the top-selling dystopian novels”. Just tells you how today people are still engaged in dystopian literature. In the same article it goes on to talk about other dystopian literature and movies.

     The movies are starting to become a huge thing based on why people wanna see them after they read the book. A very big movie which i'm sure everyone has heard about is divergent. And a lot of people know that the book was better then the movie. And some may say not but the holy reason they made a movie was because the book was so popular. Seems to make sense why dystopian literature is on a rise because people are interested in the books or if there not they most likely are into the movies. Which is why dystopian literature is such a huge thing in today's age.

 Theres alot of reason why dystopian literature is so big and from the looks of it they all seem to be guaranteed. In the article The Rising Popularity of Dystopian it talks alot about why people are so hooked on dystopian literature. A Lot of the reason is because they can tie it into the real world and imagine how things would be different. In the article it says “This style of writing is so popular because it makes readers think of interesting topics that seem realistic, yet fictional.”. Which makes readers think which is why people read so they can put themselves in someone else's story. And in dystopian literature that's one of the easiest things to do based on how real they can get. From the story  “ Ten with a Flag “ it’s very easy to relate to because of how similar it seems to be to our world and what its becoming. In the story there are driven around town in cars controlled by their government. Today cars are being able to drive themselves which could be signs that soon the government will control them soon.

An article titled “Why is dystopia so appealing to young adults?” talks alot about the hunger games and why that is told to be one of the biggest dystopian literatures of all time.“Teenagers like to read dystopian fiction because it's exciting. It all comes down to the story. The story comes first, and the setting – extraordinary though it may be – is of secondary importance.” This is why people are so interested in dystopian literature it's exciting it always keeps you guessing what's gonna happen next. Nobody wants to read a book that's not exciting that doesn't interest them. But with dystopian literature you're always being pulled into the book. These types of literature know how to keep you engaged and always on the edge of your seat.

Dystopian literature is a huge part of the writing community and its becoming a huge mainstream type of literature more and more people are enjoying it. It's all based on how exciting this type of literature is . Books for young people set in a post-apocalyptic or dystopian worlds are not new they have been around since the 60’s “Three notable early examples are Madeleine L'Engle's science fantasy A Wrinkle in Time (1962), William Sleator's suspense novel House of Stairs (1974) and the politically intriguing The Giver (1993) by Lois Lowry.”. These stories are some of the biggest today and keep rising.

There are many more articles explaining why dystopian literature is so popular. Many of them come with good reason and facts why its so big. I know why dystopian literature is so big and i hope that after reading this you know why dystopian is still on a rise and will be for many years to come.

The author's comments:

its a good one 

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