Why Is Dystopian Literature Experiencing Such a Rise in Popularity Today? | Teen Ink

Why Is Dystopian Literature Experiencing Such a Rise in Popularity Today?

January 25, 2019
By nbeck48 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
nbeck48 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dystopian literature is experiencing such a rise today. There are many different stories about dystopias out there and a lot of different movies. Here is a definition about how what a dystopia is. A dystopia is a community that tries to be perfect in any way possible. A dystopia does whatever it can to be a perfect society and will do whatever it takes to keep it perfect. Here are some examples about dystopian communities.


My first piece of evidence is from the short story “The veldt”. The Veldt is about a family thats moves into a house that can do everything for them. The parents bought a room called “the nursery” so the kids can have fun at home. But there was a problem. Everytime one of the parents would lock it up for a punishment the kids would throw fits for them to reopen them. My first piece of evidence is: You know how difficult peter is with that. When i punished him a month ago by locking it even for a few hours- the way he lost his temper! And wendy too. They live for the nursery. This shows that the kids can’t live without the Nursery and will do anything in there power to use it for their own good.

In the story “Harrison Bergeron” there were a lot of messed up things about the community. For one, No one could be better than someone else and no one could be worse than anyone else. This is where my second piece of evidence comes in: They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. This is a perfect piece of evidence for this story because as i said no one could be better, no one could be smarter, everyone was the same.

As I have said there are many dystopias out there that think what they are doing is right. But most of these are wrong. For example, in Harrison Bergeron people have to wear metal shirts or earpieces just so they can’t have better hearing or they can’t be stronger. This is my third piece of evidence:And George, while his intelligence was way above normal, had a little mental handicap radio in his ear. He was required by law to wear it at all times. This is a problem that shouldn’t happen because He can’t think for himself because the transmitter goes off every 20 seconds and scatters his thoughts.

As I have said there are many good things and many bad things that can happen in a dystopia. Some things are better than others but somethings are also worse. In my opinion I don't think people should control how others live completely. There should be some things that should be controlled and some things that shouldn’t.

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