California Dreamin' | Teen Ink

California Dreamin'

December 6, 2018
By kj143404 BRONZE, Hemet, California
kj143404 BRONZE, Hemet, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 I’ve lived in California since day 1, born and raised. Southern California to be more specific. I grew up going to Disneyland, Los Angeles, beautiful beaches, Hollywood, San Diego, and even San Francisco once. It's not unusual to me, living like this with these places and experiences only a few hours away. Although I don't live in a nice area anymore I always get the same “wow! California must be so cool!?” When talking to a distant relative from Kentucky or Indiana or even Europe. And if you happen to leave the state everyone loves to ask you questions about hollywood and how you must be seeing celebrities everyday. News Flash I've only seen celebrities in public maybe twice. Now not to sound ungrateful or anything because i know how lucky I am to be here instead of like, North Dakota… no offense. But to be quite honest california is not all beaches and sunshine. I’m here to show you the darker side of California the part with crime and almost unbearable heat. Now i know i don't live in a very nice place so i experience a lot of this crime but not only here can there be danger. When someone mentions LA your brain quickly goes to nice restaurants, malls, beaches, and famous people everywhere. But most people from California will not think this. My mind immediately goes to crowds, pollution, the smell of vape and weed and more. LA is nice and everything but only a few parts, most are actually pretty dangerous. Next, Southern California is known for it's good weather year round: rarely any rainy days and always 80 degrees or higher even into mid fall. Thats nice but, sadly since we are always sunny we are in a pretty big drought adding this to our triple digit summer days we end up with a lot of devastating wildfires. Okay im sure youre reading this thinking “wow complaining about a beautiful state that provides opportunity for all different types of people” and your right. Though California may not be as amazing as people make it out to seem, it is a great place to live. In my opinion California is one of the most accepting places and you will be welcomed to matter your race, religion, sexual orientation or gender (though I can't speak for everyone sadly). I am very blessed to be born with the privilege of living here and i have no plans of leaving in the future. So don't think i don't like my home, i wouldn't change it for the world. Now before I end this just a very quick PSA: nobody from here calls it “Cali.” not a single one! Unless they are saying it ironically I’m almost positive we all just say “California”.

The author's comments:

California may not be all its cracked up to but that doesnt mean I dont love it here.

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