Letter of My Life | Teen Ink

Letter of My Life

December 6, 2018
By hannah.blancq BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
hannah.blancq BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The letter that I have selected for my vice to virtue project is the letter “O”. I feel like the letter “O,” for me, represents the trait outgoing. I feel this way because I am a very big people person. Everytime I go to a new place I always make sure to make at least two friends. I am also the type of person that will chyme into random people’s conversations just because I am interested in what they have to say. Finally, if I am out in public I tend to not be shy. I will dance, act silly, and do crazy things without worrying about what other people are thinking of me. Being outgoing is a very big virtue of mine because it has allowed me to make many new friends and have a fun, carefree life.

For my vice I have chosen to talk about how I am an overthinker. This is a big vise of mine because it tends to lead to unnecessary stress. If there is a problem at hand, I will sit there and think about it to the point where it does not even matter anymore. For example, if I text someone and they do not answer me within a certain amount of time I worry. Instead of just thinking things like they are busy or their phone is dead, I immediately jump to they are ignoring me or they are mad at me. This has been a big issue for me because it leads to me getting myself worked up or kissing up to people because I think they are mad.

I decided that I would wear the letter “O” for an entire day this week so that I could see people’s reactions. In doing so, I noticed the way that people would look at me. People would stare at the letter in confusion which made me feel like I was crazy or like I had something on my shirt. I also had many people ask me why I was wearing it and what it meant. It got really old explaining it to people multiple times in just one day. This made me realize how Hester must have felt wearing her “A.” While people knew why she wore it and what it meant, they still would  have started just because it is a weird thing to have and was unique to her. That is exactly how I felt all day. I knew that people would know what it was because everyone else was doing the same thing, but I didn’t think so many people would still look at it and ask me why I was wearing it.

The author's comments:

This was a project my school did

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