Lead and Gold | Teen Ink

Lead and Gold

December 10, 2010
By Alurayne GOLD, Mesa, Arizona
Alurayne GOLD, Mesa, Arizona
14 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A Revolutionary ends when he becomes an oppressor or a heretic."
-Albert Camus


Godricke Sylvas is a dedicated leader and caretaker of the people of Ryldspar; he is trustworthy and can be expected to do any task that comes his way. However, Godricke is also a man of Morals, and would never betray his ideals, no matter the cost.

Aluraune is an enigmatic shadow in the background of history, a rare species of man: An Alchemist. His work is all that matters to him, and the goal that lies at the end of every Alchemist's Road: Immortality.

How far will he go to achieve his dreams?

A story of Duty versus Morality, a man's Inner Angel versus his Demons, "Lead and Gold" brings the long-forgotten practices of Alchemy into contact with the modern-mindset of the just and moral man; Who is the victor of this battle?

So what would happen if Duty came into conflict with Morality?

Joey M.

Lead and Gold

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