The Death of a Secret | Teen Ink

The Death of a Secret

May 2, 2011
By TheEclecticist BRONZE, Rhodes, Georgia
TheEclecticist BRONZE, Rhodes, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment


Boy Meets Girl.

"Sunshine, I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamed I died. I dreamed you killed me."

Sixteen Year-Old Sadie Hafner's entire life is made up of a sickening trail of secrets...Secret's she keeps from the world...Secret's she keeps from herself.
Today, Amanda is dead. Her sister is dead, and Sadie can't remember the night that she died...can't remember how she died. All she knows is that she was consumed with jealousy. Amanda was perfect.
The secrets are eating her alive, and the only way to remember, is to kill them, one by one.

"Would you betray someone that you loved?"

Seventeen Year-Old Zak Foreman wants his father...wants revenge...Desperate, he goes to the only man in existence that can give him what he wants, the man that ruined his life, Desmond Hafner, Sadie's long vacant Father who bears a sick proposition. Zak must play a role, must betray in order to get what he wants.
Must betray a girl named Sadie.

Two world's collide.

"A secret enters your universe and it becomes you. A slow dance begins between you and the truth, but it is a painful dance to a painful song. Because the moment the secret is introduced into your world, nothing will ever be the same..."

Ashley H.

The Death of a Secret

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This book has 1 comment.

on Jun. 6 2011 at 5:55 pm
RRRRR BRONZE, Orrville, Ohio
1 article 1 photo 83 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is when you don't."- Pete Seeger

"I didn't quit because I wasn't strong enough to live through it, i stopped because i was strong enough to move on." -Unknown

This is really good. I hope you continue it. Really intense and serious, too! Please keep going, i wanna know whats up with Sadie.


Check out mine when it comes out, The Agency.