The Summer I Found Myself | Teen Ink

The Summer I Found Myself

December 2, 2010
By Anonymous


We walked up the boardwalk and a few guys were coming down our way. There were three of them and they were our age, maybe a little bit older. When we got ready to pass them one of them stopped smiling and asked “Did it hurt?” I looked at him confused and asked “Did what hurt?”

“When you fell from heaven?” My face blushed immediately and Shelly started laughing so hard that I couldn’t help but join in.

“I’m Ayden, and this Jason and Carson.” The guy with the pickup like said.

Shelly stepped forward and introduced us.

“Where are you headed?” Ayden asked.

“To the restaurant down there.” I replied.

“Well, we were heading up to the beach, maybe we will see you around?” he smiled down at me and I replied “Yea, sure.”


The Summer I Found Myself

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This book has 94 comments.

on Jan. 29 2011 at 2:48 pm
PrincessSparkle GOLD, Flint, Michigan
11 articles 0 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whoever said Nothings impossible clearly never tried to slam a rotating door.

Thanks for the tips and yeah, I've been working on better discripting things.

hrf1434 GOLD said...
on Jan. 29 2011 at 10:08 am
hrf1434 GOLD, Collierville, Tennessee
10 articles 4 photos 66 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover

please do, KEEP WRITING

hrf1434 GOLD said...
on Jan. 29 2011 at 10:06 am
hrf1434 GOLD, Collierville, Tennessee
10 articles 4 photos 66 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover

I love this story, please write more


on Jan. 28 2011 at 8:26 am
Writomania PLATINUM, New Delhi, Other
22 articles 0 photos 119 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What really does not kill you, will only make you stronger"- Kanye West
"If there was no electricity, we would've had to watch the television by candle light"- Joe Jonas
Nobody will ever win the Battle of the Sexes. There's just too much fraternizing with the enemy. ~Henry Kissinger


this is a very good piece of work.

But at some places where the name Mike should be, u've written Macy by mistake

and i think that the beer pong came thing which could've been well described, just lasts for like two seconds which ruins the winning effect.

Apart from a few grammatical errors, I'd say, WELL DONE!

on Jan. 21 2011 at 2:52 pm
Scarlett_Masquerade BRONZE, Hagersville, Other
1 article 1 photo 2 comments
Omg! This is amazing! I would really love to read the rest of it.

on Jan. 20 2011 at 7:37 pm
PrincessSparkle GOLD, Flint, Michigan
11 articles 0 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whoever said Nothings impossible clearly never tried to slam a rotating door.

If you Like this book so much please check out my book 'Under the Summer Sky'. I think you guys will enjoy it.

on Jan. 19 2011 at 7:18 pm
PrincessSparkle GOLD, Flint, Michigan
11 articles 0 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whoever said Nothings impossible clearly never tried to slam a rotating door.

Yea, I caught that too. But I can't go back and edit it. I would, but I can't.

on Jan. 19 2011 at 12:26 pm
PrincessSparkle GOLD, Flint, Michigan
11 articles 0 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whoever said Nothings impossible clearly never tried to slam a rotating door.

thank you so much. I hope the ending will have people satisfied.

MeIsMe18 said...
on Jan. 18 2011 at 5:18 pm
MeIsMe18, Roswell, New Mexico
0 articles 0 photos 28 comments

Favorite Quote:
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; But often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.

OMg! this has been the best novel i've read so far, i hope you keep writing more. I can't wait to see what the ending will be.

on Jan. 13 2011 at 7:32 pm
PrincessSparkle GOLD, Flint, Michigan
11 articles 0 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whoever said Nothings impossible clearly never tried to slam a rotating door.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I have now had 1073 people read my book. it makes me happy to know that people out there want to read this! Thank you everyone!

on Jan. 13 2011 at 7:28 pm
PrincessSparkle GOLD, Flint, Michigan
11 articles 0 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whoever said Nothings impossible clearly never tried to slam a rotating door.

I am trying to finish it but My computer crashed and im at the point where I just want break it completely. But that wouldn't be good because I need to show you guys what i have done so far.

on Jan. 13 2011 at 7:27 pm
PrincessSparkle GOLD, Flint, Michigan
11 articles 0 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whoever said Nothings impossible clearly never tried to slam a rotating door.

Thank you. Thank you so so much.

on Jan. 12 2011 at 12:32 am
.The.Skys.Rainbow., Glenbrook, Other
0 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live.Love.Let Go.

I really love this novel so far. I hope you'll finish it and make it much longer <3

on Jan. 9 2011 at 2:16 pm
aspiringauthor_ BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 324 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." - MLK Jr.

I love it, and to all the people who are saying it needs to be edited and revised further... Well, this website isn't about insulting people's work. It's about sharing your opinions with others. And that's exactly what she did.

on Jan. 5 2011 at 4:08 pm
PrincessSparkle GOLD, Flint, Michigan
11 articles 0 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whoever said Nothings impossible clearly never tried to slam a rotating door.

Yea, It isnt finished but I am definantly working on it. I already have a couple more chapters to add but Im going back and editing them first. I will put them up as soon as possible.

hrf1434 GOLD said...
on Jan. 2 2011 at 5:25 pm
hrf1434 GOLD, Collierville, Tennessee
10 articles 4 photos 66 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover

Love it! I expectingly love the ending but it seems unfinished

trblue GOLD said...
on Jan. 1 2011 at 6:00 pm
trblue GOLD, Richmond, Virginia
14 articles 7 photos 141 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. It only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother@#?!&* upside the head. "

if you took the use of drugs far enough it would have had a ellen hopkins feel, but it was wrapped up in love. he himself was suround by bad people and did not want that to happen to her. i liked and did not know their was a novel section of ink.

on Dec. 30 2010 at 2:17 pm
PrincessSparkle GOLD, Flint, Michigan
11 articles 0 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whoever said Nothings impossible clearly never tried to slam a rotating door.

Thank you so much for the comment. And yes Ive read their books hundreds of times. Ill read your stuff as soon as I can.

on Dec. 30 2010 at 12:29 pm
sparkledreamer SILVER, Los Angeles, California
7 articles 5 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There's a lot of things you need to get across this universe. Warp drive... wormhole refractors... You know the thing you need most of all? You need a hand to hold." - The Doctor

This is a really good novel.. you should add to it.. your writing reminds me of a mixture of sarah dessen and alyson noel... have u ever heard of them?

p.s. please read and comment on my writing

Akram_9 said...
on Dec. 27 2010 at 11:12 am
Akram_9, O.B, Other
0 articles 0 photos 11 comments
Liked the book very much... keep it up