Greece | Teen Ink


March 14, 2012
By TWIGGII666 GOLD, Franklin, New York
More by this author
TWIGGII666 GOLD, Franklin, New York
17 articles 1 photo 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
-whines- Really? Son of a...... BAD WORD!

Author's note: This started as a single dream which is incorporated into Chapter 7.

{My name is Catriona. Catriona Lenore Jonston. I am fifteen years old. I am a host to the last Atlantean woman. Yes, as in the lost city of Atlantis. Only Atlantis existed a long time ago, longer than anyone thinks it did. This Atlantean’s name is Cassandra Eilonwy Jackson. Only, if you would like to keep your life, call her Sandi or Lady Cassandra. Sandi is four quadrillion and seventeen years old. She gets reborn every sixteen to seventeen years on earth. Then she spends about one hundred years in Hell. The longest she spent in Hell was a million years because Hades, god of the dead, was angry with her for constantly getting reborn. Hades guaranteed any souls who prevented her from getting reborn, rebirth. Creepy, right?}

{Sandi and I are very different in a way. Sandi’s hair is jet black and (wait for it...) four miles long. My hair was blonde when I was born, then it darkened to sandy blonde, then brown with natural blonde highlights (from the sun). Then I died it black. As the die runs out, it turns my hair reddish gold, especially in the sunlight. I have an inverted bob haircut (for the stupid people who may read or listen to this, that means at its shortest my hair is above my ears and at its longest it is to my chin [it is short in the back and long in the front if you are still confused]). Therefore, hair is a big difference between us. Another thing is our eyes. Mine are a chocolate brown. Hers are an electric green. Don’t look in to them to long or else you will become paralyzed. Stare at them long enough and you’ll die. Then there is height and weight. While I am five foot four inches and one hundred and fifteen pounds, Sandi is ten foot three inches and two hundred and forty pounds. When it comes to our love lives, we are totally opposites. I’m struggling with love and she’s known her true love her entire life. Every time she’s reborn, she just has to find him. She also lived in Eurasia for most of her lives. This life is one of the first lives where she’s lived elsewhere and the first life that she lived in the United States. I’m not going to tell you where because if I do, some stupid people will stalk us and demand to know if this is a true story. You can decide on your own if this is a true story.}
{At the same time, we are alike. We both have very important secrets. Some of mine you will find out at some point or another in this tale I am about to tell you. Sandi is a mythical creature, I guess. There are many myths about Atlantis. Most of those myths she started herself, though. I myself am a mixture of creatures. You’ll find out what creatures later on in this story. Neither of us wears make-up. We are both naturally pretty, so I am told. Honestly, I do not think I am pretty. However, Sandi is definitely gorgeous.}

{Well, enough with the introduction. The ninth grade is going on a two-month trip to Greece. Yay!}

[Lovely. Moreover, she even forgot to mention that I can communicate with her via mind. Meaning that what she thinks, I can hear and what I think, she can hear. She has all of my knowledge. She has also developed most of my abilities. Oh, joy...]

{Shut up, Sandi. Everything she said is true though.}

[Well enough stalling! Start the story already!]

{Touchy, touchy! Fine, I hope you enjoy it. Then again, maybe not...}

[Corny endnote. Just tell the story.]


Today is gonna be awesome! We leave for Greece today! I am excited. Although, I am going to be on the bus for three hours. An hour to get to school and two hours to get to the airport, I am going to be bored. Then I’m going to be on the plane for another forty hours and thirty-four minutes, approximately. Yay...

[You wanted to go on this trip! I really don’t want to hear any complaints. You brought this on yourself.]

{Yeah, yeah. Whatever.}

[Your bus is here! Pay attention Catriona!]


I ran up to the bus and immediately got a weird look from my bus driver, Mary, because of my suitcase that was in my hand along with my two backpacks on my shoulders.

“What are you doing with all of that, Catriona?” my bus driver inquired.

“My grade is going on a trip to Greece. We’re staying there for two months. This stuff that I am carrying is my luggage.”

“Oh,” a look of realization washed over her face. “I’ll be driving one of the busses to the airport for you guys.”

“That’s cool.” I said this as I walked to seat eighteen, the biggest seat, and set my luggage down.

“Wow, Catriona!” Raquel said. Raquel is a fifth grader. “That is a lot of stuff.”

“I know. That’s why I am glad to be the only ninth grader on the bus. Otherwise there might not be room for them or anyone else getting on the bus.” I laughed.

“I hope Andrei doesn’t have his instrument.” Raquel said.

“Oh my God!” I exclaimed. “I didn’t even think of that!” Immediately I started to think of ways I could fit the instrument in the seat with me. Andrei has a baritone saxophone. Every other day he brings it in. I tried to think. Did he bring it in yesterday?

[No he didn’t.]

{Ahhh! Don’t do that! You scared me!}

[Sorry, I thought you would like to know that.]

{Know what?}

[Are you kidding me?]

{No, I am not.}

[Wow. Ok, Andrei did not bring his saxophone yesterday. He will be bringing it today. Got it now?]


[That’s it? A yes? I’ll just wait.]

{Wait a minute.}

[Oh, here it comes!]

{Oh, frell! Andrei has his instrument!}

[There it is! It took you that long to realize that?]

{Yes it did.}


“Raquel, Andrei has his instrument today.” I informed her as Aeryn got on the bus.

“How are we gonna do this?” Raquel asked.

“Do what?” Aeryn asked us.

“Andrei has his instrument today and I have two backpacks and a large suitcase.” I explained.


“I am going to Greece with the rest of the ninth graders.” I cut Aeryn off.

“How long?”

“Two months.”

“Wow. That is a long time.”

“Yes it is. I have an idea on how to do this. Raquel, hold my backpacks.” As Raquel took the bags, I knelt on the floor and pushed the suitcase back. It went all the way to the edge of the wheel. Just in time for Andrei to get on the bus. Andrei is a sixth grader.

“Yo, Andrei!” I called. “Over here.” I took his instrument and laid it on the floor, touching my suitcase.

“Why do you have a suitcase?” Andrei asked.

“I also have two backpacks. Raquel, can I have those now?” Raquel handed me the bags, one at a time. “I’m going to Greece.”

“WHAT‽ You’re leaving? No, I won’t let you.”

[Do I sense a little bit of infatuation in his voice?]

{Are you saying he likes me?}

[No. I am saying that he loves you.]

{What? Are you serious?}

[I’ll explain later.]

{Ok, whatever.}

“Relax, Andrei. It’s only for two months.”

“Only for two months. That’s a fifth of the school year!”

“Someone has been doing his math homework.” I’ll admit I was actually impressed when he said that without even thinking about it.

“Someone sounds impressed.”

“Don’t get a big head, Andrei.”

“Why not? It’s fun.”

“You’ll become a tall sixth grader with an even taller ego. That’s not good.”

“I guess you are right.”

“I usually am, aren’t I?”

“Good point.”

“I make those a lot.”

“AHHH!” Andrei was quite frustrated at this point. “Is there anything that you’re not‽”

“Well, I don’t think I am taller than you.”

“How tall are you?”

“I am five foot three.”

“I am five foot two and a half.”

“I AM TALLER!” I yelled. “I have waited so long to say that!”

“You may not be taller than me for very long.”

“I’ll measure myself before I come back.”

“Ok, that sounds like a plan. Don’t even say that you come up with those sometimes. I know that you do.”

“Stealing my thunder, Andrei? How dare you!” I laughed as I said this.

“Whatever.” As Andrei said this, Jack Wells got on the bus.

“Hey Andrei!” Jack said. “Hey Catrio... What’s with the bags?”

“I’m going to Greece. Surely Joseph told you that.”

“Oh yeah. Mark’s giving him a ride.” Joseph, Jack, and Mark are brothers. Joseph is in my grade, Jack is in seventh grade (Aeryn is also in seventh grade), and I think Mark is in twelfth grade.

“She is leaving us, man!” Andrei exclaimed.

“Wow, not even a ‘Hi!’?” Jack said.

“No, because she is leaving us!”

“I know.”

“Dude! Seriously!”

“Oh my God, you’re right! What are we going to do‽”

[Both of them are in love with you.]



{Oh, dear lord.}

[You’re the only girl that they know that thinks like them. You also have an advantage because you have known them since early elementary.]


“Catriona, why do you have to leave?” Andrei asked.

“It’s for school,” I replied as we pulled up to the Meadell Elementary School. As the little kids got off, the four of us -Aeryn, Andrei, Jack, and I- moved up to the first two seats on either side of the bus. One of the seats had my suitcase, my backpacks, and Andrei’s saxophone in it. Andrei and Jack were sitting together.

[This is an awkward silence, don’t you think?]

{Yes, yes it is. So...}

[So... Yeah that’s right. I can do that too. Oh snap!]

{Crackle pop!}

[In a bowl!]

{With milk!}

[And a spoon!]



{Oh boy... We are so weird...}


“So, uh, Catriona?” Andrei stammered.


“You be careful in Greece. I don’t want you to come back with anything broken or bruised or scraped, okay?”

I raised an eyebrow. “Worried much?”

“Yes. Is that an issue?”

“No, not really, I guess.”

“You guess?”

“Yeah. You know me, I’m never really certain on anything.”

“That’s true.”

[Get your bags. There’s the school.]

I sighed as we walked off the bus towards our brick school. It’s quite a small school. Blackadder Jr. /Sr. High School only has two floors, and the second floor isn’t as big as the rest of the school.

[Yeah, Blackadder is kind of a pitiful school. Funding is... how shall I say this... short.]

{You got that right, Sandi. The heat is broken, so even if it is ninety degrees outside the heat will be on.}

[That really does suck, considering you’re upstairs.]

{Yeah... The dress code is also stupid. It says that we aren’t allowed to have shorts that are more than six inches away from our knee when we are sitting.}

[That is especially stupid.]

{I agree. Do they want us to die? The only shorts we can get are that short!}

[Your school doesn’t think.]

{Nope. Our team is even stupid! We are the Blackadder Puff Adders. I mean, seriously? That is so stupid.}

[I agree. Watch out! There’s a pole there!]

{Holy hesmada! I think it’s going to be a long couple of months.}


{Could you do me a favor?}

[I suppose I can.]

{Don’t let me run into anything that will majorly hurt me. Okay?}

[I will try. I give you no guarantees, though.]

{Okay, thanks.}

“She’s mine! I’m her boyfriend!” I heard Damon yelling at Crystanna.

[Here we go again.]

{Yep. The same argument every time there is a field trip.}

[You had better go break them up. Someone’s going to get hurt.]

{Yeah, and it’s probably going to be Damon.}

[Good point. Cryssa kicks ass when she wants something.]

“Cryssa!” I grabbed her arm and yanked her away. “Look at me.”

“No. I will not.”

I took her face in my hands and made her look at me. “Come to your senses chica!” I smacked her face.

“Ow! That hurts more every time you do it!” Damon snorted, the pervert...

[That’s quite a guy you got there, Catriona. Why are you still with him? I know you don’t want to be with him anymore.]

{I know. I don’t want to be with him, yet at the same time, I don’t want to break his heart. I can’t bring myself to do it. That’s why I’m acting like a vennek so he’ll break up with me. Got it?}

[Not really... I don’t think it is a wise plan though. Are you sure?]

{Yes. Definitely.}

[Ok, I hope you succeed.]

{Thanks, Sandi.}

[Oh, and watch out behind you.]


I whip around to see Adeldric running for his life with Shelly behind him with a crazed look in her eyes. I step out of the way just in time.

“What do you think is going on?” Damon asked.

“The usual maybe?” Cryssa replied.

[No not the usual... I’m not sure what it is though...]

“It’s not the usual. He didn’t take anything. I’ll go find out.” I sprinted after them.

[It’s a good thing you’re a sprinter.]


“Shelly!” I yelled as I caught up with them at the end of the hall.

“What‽” she sneered at me.

“What did he do? You look like you’re going to kill him!”

“Why do you care about him all of a sudden?”

“Yeah, why?” Adeldric piped in.

“Uh.. Well, he’s my little cousin. I have a duty to help him and protect him.”

[You do realize that he isn’t really your cousin, right?]

{Yes I do.}

[I know the real reason why you are protecting him. You like him.]

“Uh-huh. Right. How come this has never applied before?” Shelly asked.

“Yeah, why?” Adeldric piped in.

“Is that all you can say right now?” I asked Adeldric. He nodded his head. I sighed. “You are impossible.”

“I agree.” Shelly said.

“Now that you are a little calmer, what did he do?”

“I am not calm!”

“I don’t give a flying rat’s ass! What did he do‽”

“He got a bad image in his head so I told him to think happy thoughts...”

“You told him to think happy thoughts‽” I interrupted.


“Well then what happened?”

“He found a picture of some girl I didn’t recognize out of his pocket and started kissing it. I took it and realized that it wasn’t me so I started to chase him.”

“It’s all your fault then!”

“What? Why?”

“You are his happy thought! At least I thought you were... Anyway, I am the only who can tell him to think happy thoughts! What were you thinking‽”

“I was thinking that I could clear his head of the bad image.”

“NO! You can’t do that. I only tell him that when you aren’t around, otherwise that would happen, maybe... possibly... never mind. You are an idiot!”

“Well, I can see you don’t think very much of me. You knew that would happen‽”

“Yes. This is why I am the smartest here. How smart you are does not depend on how old you are. It depends on how much you pay attention to your surroundings and on if you watch your friends and family intently to learn what is going on. Obviously, you don’t pay attention to anything in this world, hence the fact you are turning seventeen and only in ninth grade. It’s pretty sad.”

“You are a vennek!”

“She prefers ‘witch with a B’. Just so you know.” Adeldric said while standing up. “Good job soldier. You are true of mind and heart. You stood up for your superior officer. Well done, Jonston.”

“Thank you, sir. That was an eloquent speech, I think it may be one of your longest.” I smiled at him.

[Yep. You definitely like him.]

{Don’t be absurd! He is my superior officer.}

[That’s just a little game you two play.]


[Therefore, I’m saying that you like him.]


“Thank you, soldier.” He then whispered in my ear “What is eloquent?”

“Well-expressed, persuasive, articulate, expressive, fluent, moving, powerful.”

“Thank you. I am tempted to make you my personal lieutenant.”

“Really?” I tried my best not to sound overjoyed to hear that.

“Yes. In fact I will.”

“So, I am no longer Soldier Jonston?”

“Yes. You are now Lt. Jonston.”

“Thank you, sir!”

“You’re welcome, Lieutenant.”

“What am I? Chopped liver?” Shelly demanded.

“Yes, you are.” I said. She started to say something, but both Adeldric and I glared at her. “Now you be nice to him.”

“Or what?”

“Or you’ll be sitting with Crystanna, and she will kill you. And I will be sitting with Adeldric.”

“I will not sit with Crystanna.”

“Would you rather sit with Damon?”


“Then be good, or you’ll be sitting in-between them. Understood?”


“Yes what?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“That’s better.” I said with a grin as I walked away back to Cryssa.

“So what was it Rio?” Becka asked me.

“BECKA!!!!!!” I exclaimed and tackled her. Becka is very short so I almost brought her to the ground.

[You usually do.]

{Good point.}

“Hi Rio! So what was it?”

“Oh nothing. It’s all better. Do we have everything?”

“Let’s see...” Becka started.

“We have a suitcase for clothes...” Cryssa continued.

“A backpack for shoes...” I carried on.

[You guys really have your girly moments don’t you?]

{Yes, yes we do.}

“Let me guess,” Damon interjected. “A backpack for entertainment?”

“You’re good Damon,” I complimented him. “If you know us so well, what’s in our entertainment bags?”

“If I had my guess, an iPod/mp3 player, a lot of books, a couple notebooks to draw in, colored pencils/markers, a phone, word searches, crosswords, Sudoku, travel-size Scrabble, laptop, and a DS. Am I right?”

“Right...” I said.

“On...” Cryssa continued.

“The...” Becka carried on.

“NOSE!” all four of us said, laughing.


“Dammit...” Cryssa said in defeat.

Nerina was walking towards us. “Are you sure that you’re my children?”

“Of course not, Mama.” I replied. “But, you’re our school mama. It would be nice if you were my real mama though. I don’t like my real mama.”

“I know, Rio. And, I agree. I wish you were my real daughter. I think of you as my real daughter anyway.”

Rory, Nerina’s brother, had walked up behind me. “I don’t like that idea. I’m already your school uncle. I don’t want to be your real uncle.” He laughed. I like his laugh...

“Oh, why not?” I stuck my lower lip out. “Don’t you love me?” I flirted with Rory all the time. It was a fun little game.

[If I had a head to shake right now, I would. You flirt with too many guys. Make up your mind.]


“Of course I do! Don’t be absurd. You’re my favorite niece!”

“Hey!” Cryssa immediately went into a pout. Nerina, Rory, Damon, and I started to laugh.

“I’m sorry, Crystanna. Would you like a lollipop?” Rory asked, still somewhat laughing.


Rory shook his head and gave her a lollipop. Without seeming to realize what he was doing, Rory handed me a lollipop, too.

“Thank you, Rory.” I said smiling.

“You’re welcome, Rio.” He smiled at me and my heart started to race.

“I am still sitting with you, Catriona,” Damon said.

I moaned. “I’ll sit with you on the bus, but I get outside.” Rory seemed to get a little distant. He always gets a little distant when I talk to Damon. I don’t think Rory likes Damon...

[You’re right.]

{About what?}

[Rory doesn’t like Damon. Do you actually like Rory?]

{Of course, I love Rory!}

[Well, do you love him as more than a friend?]

{I don’t know. A part of me feels very strongly about him. I just can’t quite decide if it is
positive or negative.}

[Of course not. You never can. Just like with Ian.]

{Look. They are all really hot so it is really hard to decide if I like them for their personality or for their looks.}


“What about on the plane?” Damon was desperate to sit next to me all the time. Not happening.

“I’m sitting with Cryssa.”

“Then you are going to be on the outside there, too.”

“Nope. I’ll be on the inside.”


“I want to be by the window. That’s why.”

“Dammit...” Damon was a little exasperated.


“Now I can’t sit with you!” Damon whined.

“Too frelling bad. Deal with it.” That’s me being a ‘vennek’.

“Well then...” Damon said.

“You guys ready?” Vincenzo said as he gave me jumper cables.

“AHHH!” I squealed. “Don’t do that!!!!!!” I practically screamed.

“Sorry, habit.”

“I’m ready.” I said, not quite accepting Vincenzo’s apology. “Girls? Are you ready?”

“I’m ready!” Cryssa said.

“I’m all set!” Becka exclaimed.

“Boys? What about you?” I asked.

“Ready.” Damon said, quite unenthusiastically.

“Good to go.” Vincenzo muttered.

“Ready when you are Lt. Jonston.” Adeldric said.

“Ok good. Where are Melissa, Gertrude, Shelly, Desiré, Laurel, Brittany, Antonio, Darren, and Kaleb?”

“There’s Melissa and Gertrude down the hall.” Adeldric pointed out.

“Desiré and Darren spotted on the other side of the hallway, Lieutenant.” Vincenzo reported.

“Kaleb here.” Kaleb seemed to suddenly appear next to me as I was taking ‘attendance’.

[Aren’t you special?]


[You’re taking attendance. You are being organized. It’s a miracle!]

{True. Any idea on where Kaleb just came from? I think he like materialized right next to me. Am I right?}

[Yes. Kaleb is a daeva.]

{A what?}

[A midlevel class of demon. And your boyfriend is a Daimon.]

{Again, I say, a what?}

[A soulsucking vampire. They suck the blood out of humans, but they don’t feed on that. They drink the blood to kill you. When you die, your soul leaves your body. Daimons suck your soul into their bodies and live on the essence. Only, that’s not the real Damon that you see right there. It’s a clone. Creepy, right?]

{Yeah, creepy. Damon’s a clone.}

[The real Damon will meet you people at some point in Greece.]

{Is he the same as this one?}

[I’m not sure...]

{You are useless!}

[Yes, I know. I am truly sorry.]

{I am going to have a talk with both of them when I get a chance.}

[You might want to continue with attendance. They are starting to wonder why you are just standing there.]

“Laurel and Antonio behind Melissa and Gertrude, ma’am.” Shelly stressed the ma’am. “And of course, me.”

“Brittany on her way, Lieutenant.” Adeldric said.

“Excellent, that is everybody.” I walked over to Kaleb. I whispered to him. “You and I are going to be having a talk when we get to the airport...”

[He’s a General.]

“...General.” I practically sneered his title, and he cringed.

[He’s wondering how you know. He’s planning to demand to know who told you.]

{That should be interesting.}


After everybody had left for the busses, Rory walked up to me, for he had drifted away, and took my hand. I felt a strange attraction to him. I couldn’t help myself; I was moving towards him. He didn’t say a word. He only brought my hand to his lips, and kissed it. His lips lingered on my skin. My heart was pounding. Why do I feel like this every time I’m with him?

[I don’t know, but you are blushing.]


I turned my head away slightly. I couldn’t help from smiling. Rory let go of my hand.

He smiled at me and said, “Try to get rid of Damon when you’re at Greece. Goodbye, Catriona.”

Before I could say anything, he walked away.

[What just happened?]

Ignoring Sandi, I whispered to no one in particular, “I will. I promise, Rory.”

{What do you think so far?}

[I think you should tell them something from one of the next chapters.]

{I wasn’t talking to you.}

[I don’t care. You should tell them something.]

{Fine. Here is an excerpt from Chapter 6, A Tragic Mistake, Sort Of...}

‘I walked in and there was my girlfriend sleeping with my best friend. She told me she was going to sleep on the couch! I am going to go and get his girlfriend Shelly, then, he’s dead.’

{Eh? Eh? Pretty awesome cliffhanger, huh? Any guesses who is saying it and whom it is about? Any ideas?}

[I say we don’t tell them and keep them guessing. What say you?]

{I agree.}

[I knew you would. I love cliffies.]

{Agreed. Shall we give them a description of everyone else?}


{Oh... Ok.}

[But, we should tell them if they are human or not.]

{No, that will be at the next interlude. We’ve already revealed something. Besides, they know that I am not completely human.}

[Also next interlude let’s do age and grade. Very true. They probably are dying to know where 62% of your DNA has gone, since you are only 38% human.]

{I agree.}

[By the way, what’s the status on the people that you love? So far anyway.]

{Umm... I love Ian. I don’t know if he loves me. I like Damon. He loves me. I love Adeldric. He loves me like a sister. I don’t know if I like, love, or hate Rory. He loves me. That brings us to the end of Intermedio Numero Uno.}

[Interméde Nombre Un.]

As we arrived at the airport, I felt holes being drilled into the back of my skull. It was Kaleb.

[Go talk to him. You said you would.]

{All right. Here goes nothing.}

[Technically the saying should be ‘Here goes something’.]


[Because ‘something’ is going. Not ‘nothing’.]


I walked over to Kaleb.

“How did you find out‽ Who told you‽ I demand to know? I have a right to know!” He practically screamed, yet it was a hushed whisper. His black eyes seemed to be on fire... {Weird...}

“Calm down, Kaleb.” I then leaned closer to him and whispered, “We all have many secrets. Two of mine are telepathy and perspicacity.”

[Sometimes I really can’t tell Catriona is speaking or if Syntaya is speaking. Hell, I can’t even tell if that was me talking.]


Kaleb’s eyes widened as I said perspicacity. “Then, that means...” his voice trailed off.

“Means what?” I asked.

“That you are the one.”

“The one?”

“I was sent here to guard a girl with the power of perspicacity.”

“Um... I’m pretty sure I can take care of myself.”

[Tell him that is nice to have back up.]

“Really?” Kaleb said.

“Although, it’s nice to know that if I get knocked out or something like that, someone will have my ass covered.”

“Exactly. That’s what I’m here for. To cover your ass.” he smiled as he said this.

[There is a part of you that likes him. I’ve only seen that part of you when you are angry. Can you shed any light on this for me?]

{I’m just as confused as you are, Sandi.}

[This other part of you, it’s almost demonic...]



{That’s frelling messed up.}

[I know. I’ll look into this and let you know anything I find out. Alright?]

{Sounds like a plan, just as long as you don’t give me a headache whilst you are searching for answers. Alright?}

[I’ll do my best. Why are you mimicking me with the ‘Alright’?]

{Because I can.}

[You can’t use that excuse on me. I’m older than you.]

{Yes, I can because I am...}

“Rio! Are you just going to stand there all day? We have a plane to catch!” It was Antonio calling me.

“I’m coming!” I began to run towards him.

[While we were talking, Kaleb dissipated.]

{Ok, so he walked away. No big deal.}

[No. He didn’t walk away. He dissipated.]

{Ok, so he dissolved into mist and diffused into the air of this way-to-clean airport?}

[He didn’t diffuse into the air. The mist drifted across the floor.]

{No way! That’s like, epic proof that he’s a demon.}


{Whoa... Gratuitous amounts of confusion.}

[You and your words.]



“Here is your ticket, Catriona,” Mrs. Karabasque said as she handed me my ticket. I took the ticket and set my stuff down on the conveyor belt for the airport people to check it.


“Is that a... knife?” one of the airport dudes asked.

“No, it looks more like a dagger...” the other said.

“Frell...” I swore under my breath.

[You brought your dagger‽]


[Again, you brought your dagger‽]

{Yes. I thought you knew.}

[Well, I didn’t.]


“Ma’am,” the first airport dude, Ray, said. “Why is there a dagger in your suitcase?”

“There isn’t.” I replied. My backpacks passed under the scanner.


“There’s a dagger in each of these bags!” the second airport dude, Joe, said.

“In one of them, there seems to be a whole set of throwing knives!” Ray exclaimed in disbelief.

[Well, you have gotten yourself into a fine mess, haven’t you?]

{Yep. Frell.}

“What is the meaning of this‽”

“Ray, I’m gonna go call security.”

“Not yet, Joe. We need some answers first. Why are there weapons in your bags?”

“Uhhh...” Wow, I sound so intelligent.

{Frell, what do I do?}

[Let me talk. I’m more persuasive.]

{Ok. Have at it.}

When I spoke, Sandi was in complete control of my voice. “There are no weapons in there. Why don’t you check your screen again?”

Ray and Joe looked at the screen.

“What? But, they were right there!” Joe seemed a little exasperated. “You saw them, didn’t you, Ray?”

“I sure did.”

Sandi was still in control of my voice. “Have they been putting you two on double shifts?”

“Yes, we were thinking about protesting.” Ray said.

“Maybe you should. They are overworking you to a point where you are hallucinating!”

“Yeah, we should. If they don’t listen, we’ll quit!”

“Yeah!” Joe agreed.

I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Damon had been looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

[You are so lucky they weren’t all that intelligent. Next time we go somewhere, make sure you tell me if you’re carrying your daggers and knives, please.]

{I’ll try.}

[You are a pain in my ass.]


[Are you going to explain the weapons to Damon?]

{I don’t know.}

I passed through the metal detector.


[Say what? What are you hiding this time?]

{You know my feathers are metal! They are the only things I am hiding now.}

[All right. Take your glasses off. I’ll take care of the rest.]

{Okay. Here we go.}

“Why did it go off?” Ray asked.

“It must be my glasses.” I replied. I took my glasses off and passed through the metal detector again. The metal detector didn’t go off this time. Phew...

“What was that all about?” Damon whispered to me.

“I’ll tell you... later.”


“Yeah. Later.”

“Fine.” Damon walked away and boarded the plane. I
followed him towards the plane.

[Why would you bring weapons?]

{Can we drop the subject?}


{This should be interesting. I’ve never been on a plane.}

[-Sigh- I know. I’ve been here for your entire life.]

{Really? I didn’t notice.}

[I only made my presence known a year and a half ago.]

{You also have made it known that you have been here for my whole life.}


{Now who’s being childish?}


I sighed and said, “Crysta! Where are you?”

“Over here, Rio!” I find her and walk towards her. We are in the middle of the plane.

[The middle of a plane is the best spot to sit.]


[I once rode in a plane like this and sat in the front. I could hear the pilot and the copilot arguing for the entire flight.]

{Oh. And I’m guessing that you wouldn’t want to be in the back because of the bathroom.}


{I settled into my seat by the window and took out my laptop.}

[You forgot to talk with Damon.]


[Yep. So, what are you going to do about it?]

{Be a little kid and pass notes?}



I proceeded to take my notebook out of my entertainment bag along with a pen.

[Why a pen?]

{That way he can’t erase what he writes. I wanna see everything.}


I uncapped the pen and wrote:

{So, Damon. I hear you are a clone. When were you planning to tell me?}

He responded:

~Who told you?~
{Well, you know I have my connections. I answered your question, now answer mine. When were you planning to tell me that you were a clone?}
~You want the honest answer?~
{Yes. That would be nice.}
~Alright... I wasn’t going to tell you. I was told not to tell anyone. How are you going to explain this to the real me when we meet up in Greece? He may not remember you, Catriona.~
{Oh, dren. I totally didn’t think of that. And, what do you mean?}
~What do I mean?~
{That he might not remember me. What’s the deal there? I’ve actually met the real you?}
~Yes. When you met me, -I mean, him- in fourth grade. That was actually him. Not me. You met me in fifth grade,~
{Wow. Really?}
{So, then that means that the real Mr. Laird has never met Cryssa.}
~Actually, his last name is Gatopoulous.~
~Yeah. The name Laird was just to fit in a little better. What do you mean, he’s never met Cryssa?~
{That definitely makes a little more sense. Yeah, Cryssa moved at the beginning of fourth grade, before I was friends with him. He filled that void. She came back in fifth grade, which is when you met her.}
~Oh, now I’m not as confused. So what are we going to tell Mr. Gatopoulous?~
{I don’t know... I’m guessing you don’t have any ideas.}
~Nope. From what I’ve observed, you have a secret you didn’t tell me about. What’s with this being in you?~
{You mean Sandi. She’s an Atlantean. She’s nice to have around sometimes.}
~That’s not the kind of being I’m sensing... It’s more... demonic. Although I do sense that Sandi is within you. Do you have any ideas on the demonic thing?~
{What? Demonic? Sandi mentioned something about demonic... What was it...? Oh, yeah. I was talking with Kaleb at the airport and she was all like, ‘There’s a part of you that likes him. I’ve only seen this part of you when you’re angry. It’s almost demonic...’ So, yeah. That’s the only other time I’ve heard of something demonic in me.}
~Oh... I’ve never heard of a parasitical demon that only shows itself when it’s host in angry. At least, I don’t think I have. I’ll do some research.~
{Thanks, Damon. I knew there was a reason why I love you. You are very reliable when you aren’t acting human.}
~Lol. Very funny Catriona. Tell the Princess ‘hello’ for me.~
{The Princess? As in Sandi?}
~Yes. Tell her ‘hello’ for me.~
{All right. Tell me about Mr. Gatopoulous. Why did he leave? Does he look different? Is he taller or shorter? Does he act different? Tell me everything.}

I passed him the book and he started to write.

{He says ‘hello’, Sandi.}

[Oh. Thank you for telling him that I exist.]

{Were you not reading our conversation or listening to my thoughts?}

[No. I wasn’t even with you during that conversation. I decided to give you some privacy.]

{Since when do you care about my privacy?}

[I don’t.]

{Okay then. When were you going to tell me that you are a princess?}

[I wasn’t going to. But, since you found out anyway, I was the first princess of Atlantis.]


Damon passed me the notebook. I began to read.

~Well, he left because... ummm... I’m not sure how to put this. He left because when a Daimon actually becomes a Daimon their eyes change color and their teeth change. He does look different. His hair is a shaggy platinum blonde and his eyes are bright red. He’s heavily built –he has a lot of muscle- and he’s 6’5”. He’s about 200 pounds –all muscle- and his teeth are pointed. He acts like he is 25 years old and he is only turning 17. That’s about it. Oh, also, I think you might find him more attractive than me. (At least, you will when you get past the fact that he has a mouthful of fangs and bright red eyes. = D)~
{Oh, wow... I can’t wait to see him! I think you may be right. No offense, but he sounds more yummy than you. ;D}
~None taken. He gets that a lot.~
{Do you talk with him often?}
~Sort of. Every now and then, he calls me to see how life is.~
{Next time you talk with him, if it’s before we meet in Greece, ask him if he remembers me.}
~Will do.~

He passes the notebook to me and I smile.

{Sandi, what time did we get to the airport?}

[Around 10:15. Why?]

{What time did we board the plane?}

[Around 10:30. Again, I ask, why?]

I looked at my watch. It was 12:00.

[Catriona, why are you asking?]

{It’s lunchtime already. Damon and I have been talking for an hour and a half. I’m really hungry. When did we take off?}

[Gotcha. We took off around 10:45. One more question.]

{Ok. What?}

[If you didn’t tell Damon that I exist, who did?]

{Umm ... No one. He knew that you were there. And he knew that you were a princess. How
did he know these things?}

[I don’t know. Maybe I’ve met the real Damon.]

{Let’s call the real Damon Mr. Gatopoulous.}


{That’s his real last name. ‘Laird’ was just for simplicity.}

[Oh, ok.]


I saw a flight attendant. “Excuse me, ma’am.”

“Yes? Can I help you in some way?” she replied.

“Yes. I would like some lunch, please.”

[Whoa... Manners.]


“What would you like?”

“What do you have?”

“We have soups and sandwiches. Would like to hear the varieties of soup first?”

“Sure, why not.”

“We have New England Clam Chowder; Manhattan Clam Chowder; Broccoli and Cheese; Baked Potato and Bacon Bits; and Chicken Noodle Soup. Would you like one of these soups?”

“Can I hear the sandwich choices first?”

“Of course!” She smiled.

[She is excessively cheery.]

{She reminds me of Mrs. Rose.}

[Yeah, she is too cheery too.]

{You could say your dog died and she would smile and say, ‘That’s so sad.’}



I turned to our oh-so-cheery flight attendant as she started the list of sandwiches.

“We have Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jelly; Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly; Ham and Cheese; Turkey and Cheese; and Bologna and Cheese. Would you like one of these sandwiches?”

“What kind of cheese do you have?

“We have Swiss cheese and American cheese.”

I had made my choice. “I am going to have the Baked Potato and Bacon Bits soup with a bologna and Swiss cheese sandwich.”

“Okay! We’ll have that to you as soon as we can!”

[She is really creepy. How are you doing on your first plane ride?]

{Plane ride? That sounds really weird.}

[Answer the question.]

{I feel like a plane is redundant. I want to be outside.}

[I know. I am truly sorry about that. But, you can’t be outside. People would get suspicious...]

{I know. I still want to feel the wind rush through my hair and feathers.}

[I am quite sorry. Why don’t you ask the flight attendant if you can go outside?]

{Oh, yeah. I’ll ask and she’ll consider me crazy.}


{I hate humans sometimes.}

[Remember, you are partly human.]

{Yes. Only thirty-eight percent...}

As I am waiting for my food, I take out my laptop and start typing more poetry.

Metallic wires of light,
Slither across the lawn.
Climbs like ivy, the house,
It’s trellis...

Metallic wires of light,
Pry open a window
Encase everything in a web.
We, the prey,
They, the spider.

Golden waves of warmth,
Wash over the planet.
The metallic wires of light,
Shy as they are,
Glide away to torture
The other half.

Golden waves of warmth,
Melt the sticky web,
Enshrouding everyone in gold.
Eyes will open,
Smiles will widen.
We, the children,
Have survived another death threat.

[That was a pretty deep poem, Catriona.]

{I know.}

“Rio?” Cryssa said. “Your food is here.”

“Yes!” I exclaimed. The flight attendant handed me my soup and then my sandwich.

“Lunchtime is happy time!” Cryssa and I said in singsong voices. I started to eat my food.

[Are you happy that you have food?]

{Yes. Very much so.}

[Good. Now eat.]

{Can I write too?}

[Sure. Whatever you want to do.]

{OK! Ooo! Sequel idea!}

Two hours before midnight,
Sleep does not come for me,
To entwine me in her
Thick, silver strands of Death.
A glance outside
Where I’d much rather be.
The night was cold, yet,
I hoped to be there.
I steal another glance
Only to see

Sleep, coming for me.
Thick, silver strands of Death
Creep across the yard,
Climb the house like ivy,
Enter the window slowly,
Wrap me in a cocoon gently
And then, I sleep...

I, a child, have succumbed to a death threat.

[Again, a very deep poem.]

{I know. Not many of my poems are happy. You know this. Sequel idea!}

[Another one?]


[Ok then. You do what you want. By the way, three hours down. Thirty-seven hours left.]

{Oh, cool. Now, I must write.}

My eyes, an owl’s eyes,
Wide and alert.
My head, an owl’s head,
Always on the swivel.
My nails, an owl’s talons,
Ready to attack,
All guard me from Her.

My teeth, a cobra’s fangs,
Poised to strike and kill.
My body, a cobra’s body,
Set to run and hide.
She can’t get me.
She won’t get me.

‘The Spider, She comes!
So say my eyes.
‘Quick, let’s run!’
So say my body.
‘Let us eat, yum!’
So say my teeth.
‘Defend now!’
So say my nails.
‘Oh, no! We are trapped!’
So say my head.
My head turns and mine eyes see,
The Spider weaving a
Quilt Of Death around me.
‘My talons, attack!
My fangs, kill!
Now my body, run!’
She is gone.

I, a child, have overcome a death threat.

[Nice! Very deep, but very nice. Any other sequel ideas?]

{Actually, yes.}

Even through




Obey their

Supreme rulers,


{What about that one?}

[Nice. A little confusing, though.]

{I know. I’m still trying to find the meaning of it.}

[How can you write a poem and not know the meaning?]

{I don’t know. I just can.}

[Another two hours gone.]

{Wow. Time does fly, doesn’t it?}

[It does.]

{I feel like talking to Damon about Mr. Gatopoulous. He’s sounds sexy.}

[Wow. You are such a girl.]

{I would hope so.}

I took out my notebook and re-read the section about Mr. Gatopoulous.

~His hair is a shaggy platinum blonde and his eyes are bright red. He’s heavily built –he has a lot of muscle- and he’s 6’5”. He’s about 200 pounds –all muscle- and his teeth are pointed. He acts as if he is 25 years old and he is only turning 17. That’s about it. Oh, also, I think you might find him more attractive than me. (At least, you will when you get past the fact that he has a mouthful of fangs and bright red eyes. = D)~

{Mmmm... Dreamy. Not as dreamy as Adeldric though.... Or even Rory...}

[You are an over-fantasized creeper.]

{I don’t care.}

[I know you don’t.]

{Is there anything you don’t know?}



I started to write in the notebook.

{Damon, do you think you could tell me more about Mr. Gatopoulous?}
~Maybe. I’m not allowed to say much. I’ll call him if you want to talk to him though.~
{Ooooo.... What’s his voice sound like?}
~I don’t know how exactly to describe it... You’ll see. I call him right now.~

Damon handed me the notebook and pulled out a phone.

[Another half hour down.]

“Rio, what’s up with you?” Crystanna asked.

“What do mean, Crysta?”

“You’ve written like ten poems and have been almost completely silent.” Damon glanced over when Cryssa said how many poems I had written. His eyes showed concern and his eyebrows were raised.

“Can’t I write poetry in peace? I like to write. I will admit the silence thing is pretty bad. Sorry about that. I just get in the zone when I’m writing, you know?”

“Well, maybe. I just worry about your mass solitary confinement. And yeah, I understand that you are very engrossed in your writing. Just let me know you are alive every now and then. Okay?”


Damon handed me a little note.

He wants to wait until you get to Greece. He doesn’t remember you by name.


I read the note and nodded towards Damon so as to let him know that I understand.

[You should get some sleep. It’s 3:45.]

{Why should I sleep?}

[You are exhausted from writing.]

{Fine. My back hurts.}

[You’ll feel better when you can stretch your wings out at the hotel.]

{But I want to stretch them out now.}

[Would you like some cheese with your wine?]

{Yes, actually.}

[Wow... If you want to stretch you wings out so badly, go ask the way-to-cheery flight attendant if you can go outside.]

{Oh, of course. Then she would call the captain and I would be locked up in the storage area for fear that I had gone mad! Wait a second...}


{If I did get put in the storage area...}

[Finish your sentence.]

{The storage area is really big right?}

[Yes. Why?]

{Are there any cameras?}

[Of course. Why?]

{If I were to go down there, would you be able to rig the cameras to make it look as if I was just sitting on the ground doing nothing?}

[Yes. For the third time, why?]

{If they put me in the storage area, and you rigged the cameras, I could fly around and stretch my wings!}

[Wow... Why didn’t I think of that?]

{Because I have better logic.}

[Well, fine. Be that way.]

{In addition, I’m the one with the wings. Since I have the wings, I know how to make sure that I can stretch my wings so that they don’t lock up on me.}

[Wow. I don’t give you enough credit sometimes.]

“G’night guys.” I said to Crysta and Damon.

“G’night, Catriona.” Damon replied.

“G’night? Rio, it is only 3:50 in the afternoon!” Crysta answered, astounded.

“I’m tired.”

“Alrighty then. G’night.”

I closed my eyes and immediately blacked out into deep, unperturbed sleep.

“Rio,” Crystanna said. “Rio, wake up. Rio!”

“Hunh?” I muttered, half asleep.

“Rio It’s 8:30 at night.”

“Holy hesmada! I slept that long?”

“Yes, you did.” Damon replied. Oh, it’s Damon. Why does he have to sit across from me?

[Because. That’s why.]

{Go away, Sandi.}

[I can’t. I’m stuck here, in your mind.]

{Well, sucks for you.}

[I have to put up with all of your hormones, all your crazy dreams, and all of your imaginary friends.]

{Hey! You leave my imaginary friends out of this!}


{You know what?}


{I’m not gonna talk to you.}

[Why ever not?]


[Here we go again.]


[You are so immature.]



{Do you think that I should try to convince the flight attendant to let me go down into the storage area?}

[I thought you weren’t talking to me.]

{I’m not. Now answer the question.}

[Whatever. Probably not. It’s dangerous down there.]

{Frell. I’m going to write to Damon.}


{I took out my notebook and pen and began to write.}

{Damon, how are you doing on this fine flight?}
~I saw you with Rory.~
{How is that even relevant?}
~It isn’t. I just thought you should know that I saw you with Rory. Why were you with Rory?~
{I was talking with him.}
~No, you weren’t. I saw him kiss your hand. You blushed. Why did you blush? Why was he even holding your hand? Answer me and don’t try to cover the truth up.~

{Frell. Now what?}

[Tell him the truth.]

{OK, I won’t.}
{This is exactly how it happened and exactly how I felt put into story form.

-After everybody had left for the busses, Rory walked up to
me, for he had drifted away, and took my hand. I felt a strange
attraction to him. I couldn’t help myself; I was moving towards
him. He didn’t say a word. He only brought my hand to his lips,
and kissed it. His lips lingered on my skin. My heart was
pounding. Why do I feel like this every time I’m with him?

[I don’t know, but you are blushing.]


I turned my head away slightly. I couldn’t help from smiling.
Rory let go of my hand.

He smiled at me and said, “Try to get rid of Damon when
you’re at Greece. Goodbye, Catriona.”

Before I could say anything, he walked away.

[What just happened?]

Ignoring Sandi, I whispered to no one in particular, “I will.
I promise, Rory.” -

Happy now?}

I passed him the notebook and he started to read, I saw his facial expression go from confused and concerned to aggravated (at me) and pissed off (at Rory).

{Any more brilliant ideas?}


{And you yell at me for the silent treatment.}



Damon had finished reading and started to write.

“Rio?” Crysta asked me.

“Yes, Crysta?” I replied.

“What’s wrong with Damon?”

{Frell! She is noticing!}

[That isn’t my fault.]

{You were the one who told me to tell him the truth!}

[I realize this. Now answer Crystanna.]

“I’m not sure. I think he’s angry at me.” I told her.

[Correction, you know that he is angry with you. He can sense that you have some sort of feeling for Rory and not for him.]

{Thank you, Captain Obvious. I’m just saying that because if Crysta knows that I know that Damon is mad at me, she’ll ask why. I don’t want to explain it to her yet. Maybe I will when we get to Greece.}

[If you say so.]

Damon handed me the notebook.

~Why the frell would you do that to me? I should just break up with you now because you are cheating on me! How long has this affair been going on? When were you planning to tell me? Or, here’s a better way to phrase that question. When were you going to break up with me so that you wouldn’t be a cheating slut? Is that why Rory never talks to me? Is that why he’s distant when I talk to you? I DEMAND TO KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~
{WHY WOULD YOU CALL ME A SLUT‽ I am not a slut! Nor am I cheating on you! -takes a deep breath- If you feel the need to break up with me, go right ahead. I don’t give a frell right now. And if you don’t break up with me, NEVER CALL ME A SLUT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! You are really getting on my nerves, Damon. And if you really must know, I don’t know if that’s why Rory ignores you and becomes distant!}
~Anger issues much? Just to aggravate you, I’m not going to break up with you. Well, one more question. Do you love Rory?~
{Of course, I have anger issues. You of all people should know that. I told that I didn’t give a frell if you broke up with me or not. And, to answer you your question...}
{Yes. No. Maybe. I don’t frelling know if I love him or not. Are you happy with that answer?}
~Sort of. Is he going to be like that Ian dude?~
~Well, do you feel anything for this guy?~
~Is that all you can reply?~
{No, but if it aggravates you, then yes. Does it aggravate you?}
~Yes, very much so. Why?~
~Should have seen this one coming, shouldn’t I?~

{Well, that went horribly.}

[Stop being so melodramatic.]

{No. I won’t.}




{Using my real name is going a little too far, Sandi.}

[Are you going to stop being melodramatic?]


[Don’t make my get your mother!]

{Which one? My adopted mother doesn’t scare me.}

[Your real one. You know, the one with the natural bright purple hair? The psychotic one?]

{Yeah, I know which one you are talking about. How much time until we land in Greece?}

[Well, it’s 9:15 p.m. now. It’s been ten hours and forty-five minutes since we took off from Albany. We have approximately twenty-nine hours and forty-nine minutes left on this flight. Happy?]

{Yes. Thank you.}


{Wait a second...}


{You didn’t even use my real name! My real name is Syntaya Elienora Jusun! Remember that? Sin-Tay-Ya E-Li-A-Nor-A Jun-Soon!}

[I was wondering when you were going to realize that.]

{I hate you.}

[Yeah, I know.]

I ignored Sandi and started to draw.

“Well,” Crysta said after about two hours of me drawing, “this is slightly different for you.”

“Only as of recently. I draw all the time Crysta.”

“This isn’t like the usual, Catriona.”

I look down at my work, and sure enough, it wasn’t my normal drawing. It wasn’t a strange creature from the dark depths of the abyss I call my mind. This drawing was more... normal.

“Wow, Crysta. You’re right. It isn’t the usual unusual. This is almost too normal. Don’t you agree?”

“Yeah. It’s unnatural, in a manner of speaking.”

Damon looked over. “Can I see? I need to see if it is actually unnatural for Catriona to draw.”

“Sure,” I said while handing him my sketchbook.

{Any ideas on what is making me draw normal stuff?}

[Of course, but I won’t tell you.]

{Yes, you will.}

[I was kidding. I was going to tell you anyway.]

{So, what’s causing this normalness?}


{Rory, as in Roger Deixdran? As in Nerina’s brother? As in Uncle Rory?}

[Well, duh!]

{Holy dren...}

[It’s not dren. It is true.]

{I won’t believe it.}

[Well, when you find out that he loves you, and you love him, I won’t say I told you so.]

{You are one cruel woman.}

[Yes, I know I am.]


Damon handed me my sketchbook back. “That is NOT natural for you Catriona. It looks like a portrait of a... uh... nude male. He just lacks a face”

I looked at my drawing, and sure enough, Damon was right. The drawing seemed to be naked masculine body. “Oh, my. Damon, I think you are right. I wonder if it is anyone in particular.”

{Who is it?}

[I’m not telling you yet.]


“It had better be me.” Damon said with a pointed glare at me.

“Honest to God, I don’t know who it is. But if it makes you feel better, you can think it is you.”


“My God, look at the detail...” I muttered under my breath.

{Who is it really?}

[Rory, I believe. And it is a very good drawing. If my mem... uh... vision is not failing me, that is what he actually looks like without a shirt. I would comment on his... -ahem- p... parts below the torso but... that would be a little awkward. Oh, who cares? With the detail in this drawing, if I didn’t know you as well as I do, I would think that you’ve seen him... -ahem- naked. Nevertheless, of course, I know you haven’t. I would be -ahem- scarred for the rest of my immortal existence.]

{My God, Sandi! Are you telling me that you’re stalking him?}

[Sometimes I wander through the world in a non-corporeal form and I may or may not have uh... accidentally saw Rory without his clothes.]

{May or may not have accidentally seen him? I think it was a definitely on purpose seen him.}

[Ok, fine! I went there on purpose. However, it was only because I have to deal with your raging hormones. They... drove me to a point where I needed to... I mean not that I did... but they drove me to a point where I needed to be... -ahem- physically active. Not that I did anything to anyone, but I would have if I were not reminded of my Jiamatteo.]

{Wow. Are you done venting?}

[Yes. Sorry.]

{Back to the topic before you started venting.}

[Right. Again, I am sorry.]

{Does everything I do now have to do with Rory?}

[Pretty much. I told you that you are in love with him. Now to make sure that you don’t try to change anything, I’m going to erase the memory of me telling you the subject of the drawing.]


[Memory wipe completed.]



{That is most definitely not me.}


{The person in the drawing. You said it was me. I don’t have a pen-}

[Right, sorry about that.]

{Are you going to answer my question?}

[Which was?]

{Jeez, did you space or something? I asked who the subject of my drawing is.}

[Sorry, I did actually space out for a second.]

{So, who is it?}

[Not telling.]

{-Sigh- Frell. I was hoping you would tell me.}

[I will.]

{You will?}

[I’ll tell you when you are finished with it. That is, if you don’t already know who it is by then.]



{Yes, Sandi?}

[I just caught a drift of Damon’s thoughts. I think you should hear them.]

{Alright. Tune me in.}

[Here it is.]

~That is definitely not me. I am going to demand to see it when it is finished. It’s probably Rory. Knowing Rio, she probably has slept with him already. She is such a slut. Who does she think she is? She cannot just cat around whenever she feels like it. I wonder how many times they have slept together... Slut.~

{... I can’t believe that’s what he thinks of me...}

[Do you want to keep listening?]



~Why would she do this to me? I cannot believe that I thought that I knew her. Note to self: Never, EVER judge a girl by her cover. Rio my be gorgeous and super smart, but she is a total slut. Nobody even suspects her. She’s probably a part time whore. And I bet when she’s not being a whore she’s a pimp. I have an excellent idea that will teach her not to cheat on me. Ha-ha.~


{What? What is his plan?}

[I lost him. I don’t know what he’s planning!]

{That piece of dren.}


I saw Damon whisper something into the flight attendant’s ear. She smiled and walked away.

{Any idea what Damon asked for?}

[A bottle of water and a cup.]

{What? That’s it.}

[Yeah. I still am not getting a clear read on him. I have no idea what he is planning.]


I continued to sketch... well, whomever I was drawing as the flight attendant brought Damon his two glasses of water. Damon poured a packet of what appeared to be lemonade mix into one of the glasses of water.

“Crystanna?” Damon asked sweetly.

“Yeah, Day?”Cryssa said.

“Give this to Catriona,” he said handing Cryssa the glass of ‘lemonade’. “It’s lemonade.”

Cryssa took the glass and handed it to me. “It’s lemonade.”

“Thanks, Day!” I took the glass and raised it to my lips.


I took a long sip of the lemonade and set the glass down. I started to feel a little woozy.


I looked at Crystanna. “Don’t let Day touch any of my stuff under any circumstances.”

“Alright.” Crysta said.

I nodded at her response.

[Rio? Are you okay?]

I was about to reply when everything went black.

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