Picture perfect life | Teen Ink

Picture perfect life

May 26, 2020
By Anonymous

     Imagine living the picture perfect life.Your mom is a lawyer And your dad is a professional chef. It's a small town so nothing is ever a secret besides the murder of your best friend Rose Patterson. It has been two months since Rose was murdered and no one can come to the fact that she's dead.

“Lizzy please you need to cope with this situation already” Lili  Lizzy's mom voiced 

“I.... just can't.” Lizzy replied  wiping her eyes 

Lizzy just lied down in her mom's arms and cried.

Knock, knock 

“Hey Lizzy do you remember Rose’s boyfriend Jake? he wants to know if he can come up.”Lizzy's dad Chris voiced lightly while opening the door.

Lizzy set up straight and caught a glimpse of her pale blotchy face in the mirror.

“Yeah just need to brush my teeth.” Lizzy explained



“Hey Jake, Lizzy said you can go upstairs she just has to brush her teeth.” Chris voiced

“Okay” Jake replied

“How are you holding up?” Chris spoke lightly

“honestly Mr.Montgomery I just haven’t came to the facts yet.” Jake replied

“It’s okay I one hundred precent understand.”

Jake sighed then looked at the news playing on the living room tv.

“Have you heard any conspiracies about anything?” Chris asked


“Thank god.” Chris uttered

“Did you say something sir?” 

“Nope just clearing my throat.”

“Jake come upstairs.” Lizzy yelled


The two teenagers walked over to the window seating the sun was shining into Lizzy's room. The fluffy pillows that should have sat there were scattered everywhere throughout the room.

“How are you holding up?” Jake questioned

“It’s been two months and I can’t function anymore. On the other hand how are you holding up?” Lizzy ranted

“I don’t know.” Jake cried

“It’s okay I know it sucks but she would want us to keep on her memory.” Lizzy said while rapping her arm around Jake


It’s been almost an hour of crying and reminiscing about the good old days.

“Are you and Tyler still a thing?”  Jake uttered 

Before Lizzy could even think about answering Jake there was a knock on lizzy’s bedroom door.

“Hey guys do you want to have some breakfast with Lili and I?”

“Yeah dad we’ll be down there in a minute”

“Alright but hurry before it gets cold.”

Chirs shut the bedroom door and went back to the kitchen. Jake looked at Lizzy and eagerly waited for a response.

“Tyler decided to spread a rumor saying that I slept with Mr.Ricky to pass his class.”Lizzy wailed

“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry.”Jake responded

“It all went down at the worst time ever my parents don’t know what to believe with what just happened to Rose.”

“Don’t worry I believe you and I know you were very loyal to Tyler.”

“Thank you now I’m hungry can we go get some breakfast?” Lizzy suggested 

“Yes but I’m glad I’m not the only hungry one.” Jake responded 

Lizzy and Jake went downstairs to the kitchen where lily and Chirs were sitting.

“Hey there slow pokes your finally here.” Chirs blurted out

“Oh yeah sorry Mrs. and Mr Montgomery  were just finishing up our conversation.” Jake responded 

“You guys are completely fine now why don’t you sit down so we can start eating.”

“So dad what’s for breakfast?” Lizzy asked

“chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and some chocolate milk.”

“Sounds really good Mr.Montgomery.” Jake voiced

“I'm starving now let’s dig in.” Lili blurted out

The conversations went on they talked about life the good times and the unforgettable.Then there was a pause in their conversations.

“I remember that Rose told me this was her favorite food, Oh how much I miss the conversations we had.”Chirs said

“We all miss her.”Lili  said rubbing her husband shoulder 

“Lizzy and Jake I think you guys need to go back to school no more homeschooling.” Lili voiced

“I mean I guess you're right.” Jake responded with a frown on his face

   Jake looked over at Lizzy He did not know how to respond.

“I guess I'll go back The rumors should have died down by now.”Lizzy responded holding back her tears

“Thank you for breakfast now may we be excused?”  Jake asked

“You're very welcome and yes you may.” Chirs voiced with a half smile on his face

“Thank you .”  Lizzy voiced while throwing out her plate

Jake and Lizzy decided to go for a walk to the park so they can have a change of scenery.Of course no one was at the park it was only ten  in the morning.

“Hey Jake.”Lizzy  said dropping to her knees

“Lizzy what's going on?” Jake asked cautiously

“It's her.” 

“Who do you mean? Rose.”


“What about her?” 

“Ever since she has been gone her ghost has been everywhere I turn.” Lizzy said huffing for air.

“Breathe lizzy  breathe it's okay she's been right next to me Especially when I'm in my room on my computer.” 

“But I think something is up.” 

“Lizzy stop thinking that.”

Silence took place neither of them moved.

“Lizzy I have an idea.” Jake blurted out breaking the silence 

Lizzy  looked up by Jake who just had a bright smile on his face.

“Umm are you going to tell me?” 

“But ask your mom to take you to the store and grab snacks .”

“Whatever you say weirdo.”

“Trust me you’ll like this.” 

“Meet In my backyard 40 minutes from now.”  Jake added

“Okay text me what you want from the store.”

Jake walked Lizzy  to her door then went on his own way to set up. Forty  minutes go by and Lizzy is at the gate to Jake's backyard Jake opens the gate for Lizzy  and she was speechless once again.

“Oh my gosh Jake this is amazing.” 

The fairy lights twinkled like the first star of the night.The blankets looked  like fluffy little puppy down the street.The  glass bowls twinkle in the light and the screen read no disscu.

“Well I'm glad there's a smile on your face.”Jake laughed

“Whatever now where do I put all this food?” Lizzy  snickers

“Empty them and put them into the bowls while I turn on the movie.”



Lizzy emptied the snacks into the bowls and set out the drinks. Jake turn on Daddy's home because they both needed a laugh. Before Jake turned on the movie he had something to tell Lizzy. 

“Lizzy you need to promise me that tomorrow morning we will start being normal teenagers and go to school. “ Jake voiced 

“I guess. “ Lizzy replied 

“Okay now let's begin the movie.” 

By the time they started their movie marathon the clock just struck elven  a.m. The day when on instead of crying a river they laughed till their stomachs hurt.Jake and Lizzy watch Daddy's home one and two,Malibu rescue, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and the Smurfs.Just after 3 p.m. they fell asleep.

They both ended up waking up around 4:30. Lizzy helps clean up it wasn't long before everything was cleaned up.

“Thank you Jake I had fun, I'll see you for school tomorrow.” Lizzy  voiced 

“You're very welcome .” Jake responded 

Lizzy was opening the key to head on her way when she heard something behind her.

“Want to walk to school tomorrow? “ Jake asked

“Of course be over at six-fifty.”

Okay I'll see you then.”

The next morning 

“Lizzy Jake should be here in a minute are you sure you're up for this?” Lili voiced 

“Yes mom I'll be fine. “ Lizzy respond 

Knock knock 

“Good morning Jake.”

“Morning Lizzy.”

“Bye mom.” 

“LIZZY WAIT.”  Chirs yelled

Lizzy snapped her head around To see what was needed of her.

“Don't listen to any conspiracies about Rose. “ He whispered in Lizzy  ear 


Jake and Lizzy made it to school on time and arrive to the hallway there lockers were located.

“I'm going to grab my stuff from my locker I'll meet you at your locker. Then we can head to homeroom.” Jake voiced 

“Okay.” Lizzy responded

Lizzy walked over to her locker where Tyler her ex-boyfriend was standing right in front of it.

“Move creep.” Lizzy said 

Tyler moved over so  Lizzy could   get into her locker.

“You know something if Rose wasn't hooking up with your dad I would have asked her out.”Tyler voiced 

“Umm are  you on crack?” Lizzy said while examining Tyler

“No but she was and everyone knows it.” Tyler responded 

“Yeah and I totally slept with Mr Ricky.”Lizzy mouthed  back 

Jake looked over at Lizzy and saw Tyler was there so he quickly grabbed his books and walked over to Lizzy's locker.

“Is there a problem here?” Jake asked

“Yeah actually there is. “ Tyler voiced

“Jake let's go.” Lizzy begged 

“No I'm going to listen to what this no  good low lying fake creep has to say.”Jake voiced 

“Jake let's not do this please.”Lizzy whined

“You know what Lizzy I bet you have known that Rose was hooking up with your dad.” Tyler announced carelessly

“Tyler, you lying son of Satan stop trying to instigate this situation which no one asked you to be in.Or I will make sure the new gossip around this town is that you slept with the spanish teacher.” Jake said tightening his fist

“Okay, if you want to go down that road we will but it's going to be your funeral.” Tyler responded 

The bell rang everyone went to class. Jake and Lizzy were being whispered about at lunch the day finally finished and Jake and Lizzy thought things would be going back to normal.They were completely wrong Jake and Lizzy turned on the street when a police car came speeding behind them. 

“Someone is going to jail.” Lizzy teased 

“Or someone was robbed.” Jake went back at her 

“Jake why did the police pull into my driveway. “ Lizzy voice while running 

“I don't know. “ Jake replied while catching up to Lizzy 

Lizzy and Jake ran through Lizzy's  open front door to witness the unspeakable.

“Chris Montgomery you're under arrest for the murder of Rose Patterson death.” Officer Ryan said while handcuffed  Chris 

“No you have the wrong person.”  Lizzy cried 

“Please stand back.” Officer Liam voiced 

“My dad is innocent.” Lizzy voice back at the cop 

“Miss we're going to need you and your daughter to come down to the station for further questioning.” Officer Liam replied 

“My father is innocent and you're the guilty ones here.”Lizzy screamed at the cops 

Lizzy ran upstairs to her room and slam the door as hard as she could.While Chris was being put in the back of the cop car Jake bolted home and straight to his room.These two teenagers were shocked by the news next thing you know it would be all over town.


One full day has went by since Chris was arrested for the murder of Rose Patterson.Lizzy cried all afternoon and Jake sat by roses picture and cried.Nobody could process that it was someone who had the picture perfect life everyone dreamed of living.The next morning Lizzy and Lily were called in to the police station for questioning.

“Lizzy do you want me to in the room when they question you?” Lily asked 

“I will be fine mom.” Lizzy reassured her 

“If you want me to come in at any point tell the interrogation officer.” Lili  responded 

“Okay mom.” 

They finally arrived at the police station Lizzy was questioned first by Agent Adams.While Lily was questioned by another interrogation officer.

“Okay I'm just going to ask you a few simple questions about Rose and your father.” Agent Adams voiced

“Okay.” Lizzy replied 

“Do you think Rose would ever get into something with an older guy?” Agent Adams asked 

“I've been close friends with rose and she said that she wouldn't want to jeopardize her life choices for the future.” Lizzy responded

“I had a feeling you would say that, do you mind reading me this expert she wrote in her diary?” Agent Adams asked while pulling out roses diary 



                             January 22nd 2012 

Okay so it's been a week and two days since I've written in my diary. Lately Lizzy's dad has been sexually attractive and I don't know what to think. on Monday he drove Lizzy and I to school and at lunch I have a new text message from him and it read “You're gorgeous and I want you to be mine.” I thought he meant to send that to his wife so I flicked it off my shoulder.The week went on and it got worse he would grab my thigh and try to hold my hand.The following Monday it was just him and I downstairs and he kissed me on the lips I slapped him and told him whatever he thinks is going on is over.He told me that if I told anyone or if I try to break this off one more time he would kill me.I'm going to call Lili his wife and tell her that he's having an inappropriate affair with me or whatever he thinks is going on.Oh my gosh I just tried to call Lili  and Chris intercepted the call he told me he is on his way to kill me now.If he does actually kill me I'm sorry Lizzy you're awesome and I love you thanks for everything you have taught me so much and I'm grateful for that.Jake oh my sweet boyfriend Thank you for making me the happiest person in the world I love you so much and I always want you to be happy when you're ready please move on and just remember guys I will always love you.

“Do you think this is true?” Agent Adams asked 

“Yes I think my dad is a cradle-robber and a murderer.” Lizzy voiced while trying to hold herself together

“Have you witnessed any of this?” Agent Adams asked 

“No but it most likely could have happened while I stepped out where my dad asked me to get something .” Lizzy responded 

“Okay that is all I needed thank you.” Agent Adams replied 

Lizzy and Lily went home and relaxed they haven't talked to each other since the car ride to the police station.They  are slowly getting ready for Chris's trial which is going to occur in the next two weeks.

    The trial would start at eight in the morning on Saturday so Lili got up around six and watched some  tv to try and get her mine if things.While in Lizzy’s room she was just coming out of the shower and trying to concentrate on getting dressed correctly.Am I the reason Rose was killed? Am I responsible for Jake losing his girlfriend of two and a half years?  Why could someone kill their daughters best friend? These were the only thoughts running through Lizzy's head at this point the clock struck seven thirty in the morning.

“Lizzy let’s go it’s a twenty minute drive and we need to beat traffic.” Lili voiced

“Okay I’ll be down there in a minute.” Lizzy responded 

“Hurry up lock the door on your way out I’ll be in the car.” 

“Okay mom.” 

They finally made it to the courtroom and Chirs was in an orange jumpsuit with handcuffs around his wrist and his ankles handcuffed to the chair.They went on for at least an hour calling up witnesses and questioning them.The Judge finally asked the juror to come to a vote it took five minutes but the leader stood up and said

“We believe to find Chirs Montgomery guilty of Rose Patterson’s murder.”

“Thank you Juror your are dismissed” The judge announced 

“Chirs Montgomery I sentence you to thirty-two years in prison” The judge voiced 

The court room was filled with disbelief the only person who wasn’t shocked was Lizzy.The Judge banged his gavel and the policemen took chris away.Lizzy didn’t even have the guts to look back at Jake who was probably in tears.The court was adjourned and the rest of the day everyone went on to do there own thing and Lizzy sat in her room.

I don’t deserve to be here I’m not good enough for anything.

Lizzy looked at herself and couldn’t  sense the pain of thinking rose’s death was all her fault so she grabbed the siccors of her desk and just started at her reflection.Little did Lizzy know that Jake was coming upstairs to her room.Jake opened the door and saw Lizzy trying to hurt herself

“Lizzy please don’t do this not now,not today,not ever.” Jake cried while walking toward Lizzy 

“Jake I have to I’m the reason Rose is gone.” Lizzy cried louder

“Lizzy please you don’t need to do this we can get help.” 

“What I don’t need someone to tell me I’m insane or I’m just like my dad.” 

“Lizzy look at me were not like our families and most definitely were not like are parents.”

“But people compare us to our parents and they don’t understand the pain it causes us.” Lizzy said while taking one last look at herself

“LIZZY DON’T PLEASE.” Jake yelled while running over to her

Luckily Lizzy didn’t hurt herself  she just dropped down to her knees and cried her eyes out.If Jake wasn’t there at that time Lizzy would have probably never realized she could get the help she needed and the support.Jake didn’t feel safe leaving Lizzy alone so he stayed over until wednesday afternoon and that’s when he finally told Lili that Lizzy needs help.Lili was shaken by the news they found a therapist who would be able to help. Lili would try and get Lizzy out of the house and doing something productive.While Jake would help lizzy realize the good in life they would make treaties and dance,and watch the best movies on the outdoor screen.

“Hey Lizzy can you promise me something?” Lili asked

“Yeah.” Lizzy replied

“If you ever need help just tell me.” Lili voiced

“Of course mom.”

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