My Trip to Cayman Islands | Teen Ink

My Trip to Cayman Islands

May 6, 2016
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If you want to learn how the cayman islands are then please read below! Many people go to the cayman's because it’s considered one of the most beautiful places on earth. There is all kinds of beautiful creatures in the ocean and the water is clear as bath water. Please read below and I hope you like it.


In the January of 2014 my sister started talking about cayman islands and how bad she wanted to go. I never really payed much attention to her or the trip she wanted to go on. About a week later I got a call from my grandma and she said, “ Hey would you like to go to the Caymen Islands this summer with me and your sister”? I answered her back and said heck yea!

The next day I told my dad about it and he said that’s fine you can go. So then we went and got a passport for me the next day since the Caymen islands is out of this country. They took me and I got my picture taken and it was almost like you are getting your license for driving. After that we went shopping for clothes because i needed some clothes to go on vacation with.

It was about the end of June and my sister, grandma, and I were getting excited! Time flew by and it was the day before it seemed like. The night before we left I went to my grandma’s. The morning we left we had to get up at 3:00 a.m. in the morning. It was kinda rough waking up that early in the morning but I managed.

Me and my family flew out of Columbus and we had a layover in Florida. Before we took off my grandma was really nervous and it was funny. I kept teasing her about the plane and that we were going to wreck. She made it through and we got to florida it was really hot there. We had to wait longer than usual to catch our next flight because they had to fix our plane.  We got something to eat in the airport but it was extremely expensive but it was still good food.

Finally the moment we were all waiting for, we were boarding the plane for Caymen islands. I was so excited for this vacation. We take off and we start flying over the ocean and the water starts getting really clear and you could see the light and dark blue streaks of water. The water in the Caymans is really light blue and beautiful.

We landed in the Cayman islands at about 1:00 p.m. and it was extremely hot. That part of the day it’s really hot because the sun is directly over your head. We had to then go through the Customer check-in. The check-in is where they take your bags and check them for no guns, bombs, etc. After they check your bags you get the back and then you get in a taxi and head to your hotel/resort.

As soon as we get into the hotel I went straight out the back door and went to look at the ocean because I couldn’t resist. After that we went back inside and got into our room and changed into our swimming suits and went straight to the beach to go swimming. We went out to the beach and I put my goggles on and went straight under because I wanted to see what the water looked like when you were under. When you go under you can see some fish and the coral reef. That stuff is so pretty to me.

That night we went out to eat and I ate a bunch because when I swim it makes me really hungry. After we ate we went back to the beach to watch the sunset and it was really pretty. We took a long walk down the beach because it was peaceful and nobody was out because it was dark. The next morning me and my grandma woke up early to see the sunrise while my sister slept. I saw a crab that morning and it was pretty cool until it wanted to pinch me.

That day we had planned to go to the dolphin playground. The dolphins there are so nice and they are trained to do flips and make noises and it’s really sweet. The dolphin that we saw could give you a kiss and it was pretty cool. After we left the dolphin playground we went to a turtle farm. The turtles were like 130 pounds.

The next day was the day we left sadley. I swam that morning and then I had to pack my bags. We called a taxi and then they took us to the airport. On our way back I was sad because I didn’t want to leave at all. We got home the next morning around 2:00 a.m. When we got home I went straight to bed.


                The END!!!!!

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