A Dream Vacation | Teen Ink

A Dream Vacation

February 29, 2016
By HalPal SILVER, Highland, Utah
HalPal SILVER, Highland, Utah
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The sand is in my toes, and I can feel the hot sun burning my white skin. I am never going home. “Paradise” I murmur to myself. The water in front of me is crystal blue, and I am overcome with all the beauty. The waves are so big, that the lifeguards won’t let me go in the water. There are long rivers, where people are able to see the dark green sea turtles swim past. I can go to the beach and see the blue whales jumping out of the water, and then land with a splash. There are snow cone shacks at every corner. And all the grocery stores make sure they have plenty of sunscreen, to protect me from the burning of the sun. Everywhere I look, I see families crowded enjoying the Island.

Oahu, Hawaii, why are you so perfect?

The author's comments:

Last year I went to Oahu with my family and my grandparents! It is so beautiful! I want to go back!

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