Japan Adventures | Teen Ink

Japan Adventures

May 15, 2015
By Ashley Falces BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Ashley Falces BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Japan Adventures Have you ever been to Japan before? Well if you haven’t I totally recommend that you do because this year I finally got to cross that off my bucket list. Going to Japan has always been a dream of mine because I wanted to learn more about the Japanese part of me. Every day I learn different things about my Hawaiian culture and my k?puna or ancestors. But I wanted to learn something new for a little while. Our school has opened up and opportunity for eight students in our whole school to go to Japan. This was quite a long process because we had to go through interviews and write an essay and they had to choose out of the whole school. But finally we got the results and they told me I was one of the eight students that were chosen to go to Japan. This was a massive achievement for me because out of the whole school they had to pick eight kids and I was one of them. Even though I got through the essay and interview it still took a lot of hard work. We had to raise a little money for the trip but lucky for us the school paid for most if not the entire trip. But we still did fundraise such as doing garage sales, pie sales, and car washes. I am so glad that I had amazing people by my side to help me and the rest of the students that were going. Then I finally got my very first passport that is when; everything started to feel real. Then before you know it it’s good-bye to Big Island and hello to a ten hour flight. When I finally got to Japan my best friend and I were freaking out. Yup, that’s right I got to travel half way around the world with my best friend. So when we got there we all had a Japan host family so we all went with our host families and the next day we got to go to school with them. And let me just say their school is huge there is so many stories for so many different things such as a pool, martial arts room, sports, and so much more. And this was a global summit so I got to meet people from all over the world. With my new friends from around the world we played games did sports and went adventuring around Japan. We got to see different shrines and we even went to this temple that was all gold, it was amazing. I got to ride a train for the very first time and let me tell you the train and bus rides there are not too comfortable because it was always so packed and it was so interesting how people find a way to squeeze into the bus or train. My friends and I were staying in Kyoto so it wasn’t even as packed as Tokyo. I got to try different deserts and foods all in all it was an amazing trip. So if you’re like me and you love going travelling and adventuring Japan would be the place for you.


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