Disney Movies | Teen Ink

Disney Movies

March 25, 2015
By Anonymous

“I want to do something special for her but what?” “Well there are the usual stuff flowers, chocolates, promises you don’t intend to keep” is not the conversation you usually think you would hear between Beast and Clocksworth in Beauty and The Beast.

In most Disney movies, there are many hidden future life advice, repetition of characters and objects, hidden adult comedy and hidden timelines. The writers of  Disney movies are able to incorporate some comedy for the adults that watch the movies over and over again with their kids.  In the movie Hercules a conversation between Meg and Hades is the conversation most women have with other women. “This one is different. He’s honest and sweet and he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.” “He’s a guy!” As a kid you miss scenes like that but when you re-watch Disney movies as you get older and you hear these scenes, it makes you laugh and wonder how you didn’t realize this as a kid.

In every Disney movie there is a hidden life lesson or advice given to you, that at one point in your life comes in handy or a phrase that can help you when you are down.  In Alice and Wonderland the doorknob says “nothing is impossible”, a quote most people live by and taught as a kid. No matter whom you ask anyone that has ever seen or has heard of The Lion King knows the phrase Hakuna Matata. Thanks to Pumbaa, Timon and their catchy song, kids learn that Hakuna Matata means no worries. It teaches them how you have to go through life not worrying about everything because all it will do is bring you down. Also in The Lion King the scene when Simba is talking to Rafiki, Rafiki hits Simba on the head with his stick and when Simba asks why Rafiki says, “It doesn’t matter it’s in the past”. As Simba is still in pain Rafiki says, “Oh yes, the past can hurt. But from the way I see it, you can either run from it, or... learn from it.” When you are a kid you may not realize these sayings from not only Alice and Wonderland and The Lion King but many other Disney movies. At some point in your life you remember them or when you re-watch one of these movies and you hear them it helps you fix and heal with problems you are facing or will face in the future.

You may not see it while you are memorized by the singing and dancing or whatever scene is going on but many characters and objects are reused throughout many Disney movies. The Pizza Planet delivery car, originally seen in the first Toy Story, is also seen in Toy Story 2 &3, Bugs Life, Monsters Inc. , Monsters University, Finding Nemo, Cars, Cars 2, Ratatouille, Wall-E, Up and Brave. Beast from Beauty and the Beast appears as one of the sultan’s toys in the movie Aladdin. In The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Aladdin's magic carpet and Belle are seen on the street surrounding Notre Dame during the out there scene. While watching Brother Bear we get a quick cameo appearance from Nemo in the scene where Kenai disrupts the salmon fishing. In the movie Lilo & Stitch, while Lilo is watching what she thinks is a falling star we see a stuffed Dumbo toy that sits in the background on the art easel. In one of Disney’s newest movies, Tangled, as Rapunzel and Flynn read in the library three classic Disney movies, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid appear in book form. One of the funniest repetitions of characters within Disney movies was between The Lion King and Hercules. In The Lion King, Zazu says to Mufasa that Scar would make a handsome throw rug and in the movie Hercules, Scar appears as the slain demean lion rug that Hercules poses with while being painted on a vase.
There are many objects and minor scenes that contain some humor that your kids watch over and over but never see anything wrong with. In the first Toy Story movie one of Sids toys is a fishing rod with Barbie legs, indicating he has a hooker toy. In Bugs Life, at a bar scene after the mosquito drinks his “Bloody Mary –O+” he gets drunk and passes out. The scene in the movie The Incredibles  while Elastic girl is in Syndromes base, she looks at her butt in a mirror and sighs referring to the phrase every women uses “These pants make my butt look huge”. In one of the newest Disney movies Brave and Ratatouille there are some scenes that are impropriate. In Brave when Queen Eleanor first becomes a bear she rushes around trying to cover her private areas but Merida reminds her that she is covered in fur and when she is turned back into a women she is nude and surrounded by many men. In Ratatouille on linguini’s first day on the job, Chef Skinner greets him in a sly manner by saying “Welcome to Hell”. That is not the kind of language you expect your child to hear in a Disney movie.

If you look closely, most Disney movies you can see that they are all on a similar timeline. It appears that 14 of Disney pixar movies are in the same timeline. It begins with Brave, this movie is set in the dark ages and it explains why animals can have human characteristics. In the movie Marida discovers magic and accidentally turns her mother into a bear. Magic is provided by a witch who mysteriously vanishes every time she goes through a door. The animals affected by the witch interbreed, which explains why they can talk. As a result they become smarter and we see that in Ratatouille. Up’s Charles Munte, creates technology to harness the animals power. The animal’s intelligence grows which is provided in Finding Nemo, resulting in an industrial revolution that begins in Up, run by Buy-N-Large. BNL is the reason humans in Wall-E flee to space, proving technology gains power over humans. The Incredibles Syndrone uses this technology in attempts to create a genocide. Technology rises and the industrial revolution leads to pollution which is why in Cars there are no humans or animals. The pollution makes earth unfit for humans and they become dependent on machines just like in Wall-E. In the end credits of Wall-E, life returns resulting in a Bugs Life. A new super species is born shown in Monsters Inc. The monster civilization is earth in the distant future. The monsters are animals mutated after the diseased earth was radiated for 800 years and they have an energy crisis which is supplied by the humans by way of time travel. The doors the monsters go through is there way of time travel. What ever happened to Boo? She now knows of the future world and she becomes obsessed with finding Sully. She remembers that doors are the key and she becomes the witch from Brave. She uses the will of the wisps for time travel which explains why she is now in the dark ages. She magically creates doors to find Sully, and we know this because in her little hut there is a wood carving of Sully.

The writers for Disney movies are amazing. They are able to create movies that kids will sit through to see, and they hide some adult comedy in there for the adults that watch it with their kids. They even are able to stream fourteen Disney movies into one time line. In every movie they are able to incorporate other characters, and they are able to make so many connects between the movies. Most people don’t even realize the connections the movies and characters have with each other. No one really realized that Ariel from The Little Mermaid is actually cousins with Hercules. She is the daughter of Triton, son of Poseidon, brother of Zeus who is the father of Hercules. The King and the Great Duke from Cinderella were invited to the wedding in The Little Mermaid because they are royalty and connected to Prince Eric. The fact that the writers are able to incorporate so much details and tiny connection to every Disney movie, even though some may be a little inappropriate, is amazing and they really do a good job of entertaining not only children but adults too.

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