The Story Of My Family's Immigration | Teen Ink

The Story Of My Family's Immigration

March 26, 2015
By HeewonChung BRONZE, Cupertino, California
HeewonChung BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It all started at the Incheon Airport in South Korea. A young married couple walked through the entrance of the airport with bright smiles on their faces. They were planning on moving to the United States to start a family. The husband had recently received a business opportunity in San Jose, and was eager to start working in the United States. However, a rather unfortunate turn of events was about to ensue their arrival at the airport.

As the couple entered the airport, a sense of excitement ran through them. “Think of all of the great things we’ll do in America!”, the wife said excitedly. The husband smiled. He was excited about moving to America as well. He couldn’t sleep the night before, since he couldn’t stop thinking about the immigration. The couple carried their bags towards the large group of benches, so that they could sit down for a bit. “Wait here… I’m going to go and check in,” the husband said. “When I come back we’ll go through security, and get on our flight. Ok?” “Sure,” the wife said. The husband walked off, carrying 2 large bags with him. As the wife sat down, she started thinking about what America was like. Will the weather be nice? Will the people there be nice? A plethora of questions were running through her head. Eventually, she decided to stop thinking about it, and decided to trust that she would be happy in America. Suddenly, she started thinking about her home. She wasn’t thinking about her future home in America. No. She was thinking about her home here in Korea. She thought about her mother, father, and her 2 brothers, which she would soon be leaving behind. She started to become teary-eyed realizing that she wouldn’t see her family for a long time. All of a sudden, she saw her husband running towards her with a look of concern. “What’s the matter?” she said. “They won’t let us on… They won’t let us take the flight!” “What? Why!” the wife said with an incredulous look on her face. “I don’t know.”

The author's comments:

My family's immigration to America inspired me to write this piece.

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