Rio Kicks New Orleans Butt | Teen Ink

Rio Kicks New Orleans Butt

December 15, 2014
By jaydaug BRONZE, Sacramento, California
jaydaug BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A coward dies a thousand deaths, a soldier die but once." -Tupac Shakur

Mr. Johnson says, “New Orleans kicks Rio’s butt.”

                Ms. Ramos says, “Whatever! Rio is wayyy better.”

                Jaya and Jasmine say, “Rio is obviously better.”

                Mr. Johnson says, “We’ll see about that.”

                Brazil is a country in South America and Rio is a major city off the coast of Brazil. Rio will be the home of the 2016 summer Olympics. Rio is a huge variety of culture, music, and energy. What makes Rio the coolest city in the world is the music was copied by Americans. Carnival is bigger and better than any other parade. The favelas are a shock to the entire world. Rio de Janeiro is more of a mix, therefore it is better than New Orleans.

                Rio’s music was copied by musicians and singers in America, such as jazz. “Brazilian music was influencing music in the northern hemisphere” states Chris McGowan and Ricardo Pessanha. In 1962, a hit album was recorded by guitarist Charlie Byrd and saxophonist Stan Gets in North America called Jazz Samba. This proves Rio was copied.

                Carnival is bigger and better than any other parade in the world. According to Ms. Ramos, a geography teacher at Luther Burbank, states, “They take some of the best samba schools in the nation to have them perform in the parade.” There are more than 1000 members in each samba school. King Momo, holds a giant, golden key presented to him by the mayor, and is the start of the whole parade. There is also the Queen and Princesses of Carnival, they are chosen by beauty, self-assurance, sociability, congeniality, and samba skills. They accompany King Momo.

                The favelas in Rio are a shock to the world because it has so much culture. “It’s like the community relations center” says Maiza Madeira. The rooftop of the favelas is where everyone gets together. Rio’s ghetto is a lot better than New Orleans ghetto. Which would be the favelas of Rio and the 9th ward of New Orleans. There isn’t as much of a mix in the 9th ward comparing to the favelas.

                Rio de Janeiro is more of a mix, therefore it is better than New Orleans. Rio’s music was copied by Americans such as jazz musicians. Carnival is bigger and better than any other parade. The favelas in Rio are a shock to the entire world.

                Mr. Johnson says, “Okay, I have to admit, you guys are right. Rio is better than New Orleans.”


                Ms. Ramos exclaims, “I told you! Glad these girls had my back”


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