Field Trip to Camp Eberhart | Teen Ink

Field Trip to Camp Eberhart

September 30, 2014
By GreenArrow13 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
GreenArrow13 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

So it was 7:00am and his mom was waking him up “ Get up Bryce “. So he got up even though he was really tired. For breakfast he had cereal and went to school and went down by the weight room. He found my group finally and there were so many people crowded in that hallway it was just so kaotic then on the bus ride there he found his friends Jouse and Kyle that were in his group

When they got there they were shown our cabin by a consular named taylor and she said they could call her tay tay but Bryce didn’t, because it was weird. So then they all decided to go in and shut the shades so it would be cool in there, but of course Bryce goes up to the default one and pulls to hard and ya I uh broke it.

“What was that? “ questioned Taylor.

   They said “ nothing.”

Then she tried to fix it but she said it was time for new ones any way.

So after they put our stuff in the cabin which was called the Baker Cooper cabin. Now they went to all meet at the lunch area and  split up and went to their first class. After the two classes Bryce just had were done we went to go eat lunch at the lunch area. After lunch they all went outside and played a huge game of capture the flag. Then they all went back up to the lunch area and went to their next two groups. Which mine were archery and canoeing Bryce really liked them both he was pretty good at archery. For canoeing his partner was Job and they were a pretty good team.

Now they went back to eat dinner and go to bed. The next morning everyone woke up and took a shower except for a couple people ( Bryce and others ) then they all rushed to breakfast because we were right next door to it. Everyone else had to go for a little jog. The rest of the day was the same as the day before except they had lunch table competitions and Bryce did the long run because he was the only one able to do it and he also did the softball throw because he was the only one who played baseball at his table and had the best arm. So his favorite class of the day as probably high ropes it was a little freaky because he had andy in front of me so he had to go really slow. So then they had a long bus ride home and Bryce finally got to go to bed in his own bed.


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