The Troubles Of Hawaii | Teen Ink

The Troubles Of Hawaii

June 19, 2013
By Anonymous

The Troubles Of Hawaii

I love the sand on my feet, it feels like paradise. Especially the warm hot sun scorching on my back as I feel the heat coming inside of me. It was the best summer ever. It was Hawaii.

At night sometimes I would go on the hotel balcony and hear the splashing waves crash against the warm sand on the beach. It was so peaceful. The moonlight glimmering against my face as I loose my self dazing into the blue ocean.

It was morning time and my family and I went downstairs to eat a delicious breakfast. We had eggs, pancakes, and mouth dazzling freshly squeezed ice cold orange juice. We also had my favorite fruit… the juicy, dreamy, mouth watering mango that tasted like heaven. Hawaii is known for their delicious mango because they are the number one mango producer in the whole United States Of America. We had finished breakfast and we were beginning to start another day in paradise.

After breakfast my family and I went to go to the relaxing Hawaiian beach. There was a trampoline out floating in the ocean waters and it was so fascinating so my father said that we should go swim out to the trampoline through the huge, refreshing, cyrstal clear blue water. I did not know how to swim then because I was very young and especially since the waves were getting a little rough. I wanted to go on the trampoline so badly though, but with the condition the water was in I could possibly drown with my swimming skills at the time. My family and I were trying to figure out a convienent plan so all of us can go on the trampoline thogether as a family.

“AHAH!” my father yelled. “How about you hold on to me when we swim out to the trampoline? My father questioned with much hope in his voice.

“Yes!” I screeched with such great excitement.

“Hold On” my father stated seriously as we were getting into the rough but beautiful Hawaiian water.

We swam and swam and we finally got to the trampoline. It was so fun-filled with so many enthusiastic, friendly people jumping on it. I could feel the warm welcome in the air. Hawaii was the best vacation and that was my favorite memory. I love Hawaii especially with their fascinating ocean trampolines!

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