9/11 Flight 93 | Teen Ink

9/11 Flight 93

May 23, 2018
By Jesus99 BRONZE, Santa Catarina, Other
Jesus99 BRONZE, Santa Catarina, Other
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September 11 of 2001 was a tragic day for the United States. Three planes crashed into very important places that matter a lot for the U.S. Nineteen Al-Qaeda men hijacked four planes three of them crashed into important U.S building but one of them, flight 93 crashed into a forest in Pennsylvania. At 9:28 the hijacking of flight 93 began. At 10:03 flight 93 crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. One of the passengers onboard flight 93 named Tom Burnett called his wife Deena and she told him about the two planes that had crashed into the world trade center, and he responds “Oh my god, it’s a suicide mission.” What do you think what really happened to flight 93 and what happened inside of it. There are a lot of theories about what really happened that day but do we really know the truth about how the plane, flight 93 went down.

There were another three planes that were hijacked crashed into three important buildings in the U.S two of the planes crashed into the World Trade Center and the other one crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, DC. There were two planes that crashed into the World Trade Center the first one was American Airlines flight 11 that  flew out of Boston and it crashed into the north tower at 8:46 am. The other plane hit the south tower 18 minutes later it was United Airlines 175. The other plane American Airlines flight 77 crashed into the west side of the pentagon the military headquarters at 9:45 am. There is a video on internet about a reporter on the crash site and behind him is a hole in the ground but there is no part of the plane why is that? Everybody is questioning if this really happened or was it just made up by the government officials. Flight 93 took off from the airport of New Jersey and after 40 minutes of flight it was hijacked by the Al-Qaeda men. There is a very famous quote about a passenger that was onboard flight 93 his name was Todd Beamer and the quote is “Are you guys read? Let’s roll.” One of the flight attendant called her husband and her last words to him were “Everyone’s running to first class. I’ve got to go. Bye.” Then the passengers fought the four hijackers and it is said that they accomplish to get into the cockpit with a food cart and then the pilot hijacker dropped the nose to the ground and it was heading for the field at 500 mph.


Nobody knows the truth about what happened that day, there are a lot of different views but, do we know the truth? There are a lot of videos and articles in the news and online but how reliable are they? There are a lot of articles that say that the government have articles about what happened that day and they say that they have released the ones that they can but, how do we know that they did and they are not hiding the truth somewhere in there? There is a conspiracy theory about flight 93 that I read and it said something the government was hiding some information and they did not want to release them. A person who worked with the FBI investigating the crash site declared that in the end nobody will be able to prove what really happened because there were no survivors from the plane and the black box was unable to tell them what really happened. Nobody knows what really made flight 93 go down all they can do is guess. There are not a lot of reliable facts available and the evidence that exist is not enough to explain what really happened. Americans prefer to remember the passengers as heros but we will never know what was the final destination that the terrorist wanted to hit. Also we will never know who the real hero(s) were. Some people believe that the plane was shot down by a missile from the US government and others believe in the theory electromagnetic interference and even though it is scary the truth is we will never know.


There are a lot of articles on the internet and some of them may be true but others may not be true but may be a theory of someone that may been in the field the day that the flight 93 crashed. The people will never know the truth about what happened to flight 93 because nobody on the flight survived and they can not tell what really happened. The last words from passengers were at 10:02:33 and they said “Hey. Hey. Give it to me. Give it to me.” but we will never know what the passengers really wanted by saying give it to me. There is a lot of possibilities that could of mean by give it to me it could mean a gun, a radio or anything else but we will never know because the radio stopped and we don’t know if the plane could have been saved. There are many different ideas of what happened many people think that the plane did not go down by the pilots but it was shot down by a heat-seeking missile that got into the plane's engine but the men who were on the field said that the plane was not emitting smoke so we don’t know what really happened. Other people think that the flight was brought down by a bomb that was onboard one of the passengers said on the phone that one of the hijackers had a bomb strapped onto his body. There is another theory that the plane was brought down by a government plane but the US military and the FBI have denied it. There are a lot of theories and we now know if they are ture. How can we know that they are true if we don’t have any proof about what happened and nobody in that plane survived so they can not tell us the truth about what really happened there were only phone calls and the passengers did not tell a lot in the black box it is a lot of shouting and fighting between the passengers and the terrorist. There are plenty of theories on the internet and some of them may be true but other may be made up but what if one of all these theories are true how bad is it to the people that were on the plane and the families of those who are in the plane. Nobody really knows what really happened because there are a lot of theories but, the one that it is more likely to happen is the one of the US knocking down the plane so then they could get into a war with the Middle East.

September 11 of 2001 was a very painful day for all the United States and a day that changed the security around the world. There were a lot of losses including two important buildings that were crashed into, and part of a government building was destroyed. The importance of flight 93 is that it was a very weird crash and nobody really knows what really happened to that plane because there are a lot of theories but there is no definite answer of what really happened there were a lot of people died in that crash but they died as heroes because the crashed the plane into the ground and it is said that it was heading for the White House. I think what really happened like I said is that the US government threw the plane down by hitting the plane with a missile but they made it look like it was the Al-Qaeda so they could get into a war with the middle east. It depends on who you trust but the one who I will trust is the CNN story or the history article. I think that first I will hear what the black box has to say and then explain what the passengers said while they were going down and what the terrorist were saying while the plane was going down.

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