Makeup is Harmful for You | Teen Ink

Makeup is Harmful for You

May 22, 2018
By Jenna1015 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
Jenna1015 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be a fruitloop in a world of cheerios

August 2016, was my freshman year of highschool and, I noticed all the older girls walking around looking like barbie dolls. They had on short shorts and tank tops with converse or bedazzled flip flops. Their hair pulled back into ponys and buns not to mention perfect thick black eyeliner and bright colored eyeshadow like reds and purples. Those girls had so much makeup on it was like if they went outside the summer heat would melt it off. Although they looked gorgeous I was so confused on why they were all dolled up. Compared to me with a baggy T-shirt, shorts a old pair of flip flops that would break between the toes and not one drop of makeup on. Then I thought back to middle school and realized a lot of the girls were wearing makeup then too. It’s so unnecessary to get all dolled up just for a school day who are we trying to impress?


In one survey from Glamour Magazine, an online makeup retailer found that young girls are starting to use makeup regularly as early as age 11. Just to “fit in” and “look pretty.” That starting age has dropped several years since the 90s, and health professionals are concerned by this trend. Seeing as it can lead to unhealthy skin such as acne and redness of skin. Girls faces are caked to the max it’s part of a larger message from magazines and their models to society over all: to be pretty, you have to disguise yourself. In school it’s more likely to be noticed if you “look good” and get noticed by everyone. Once again it's another competition to be on top.

In life, girls will want to look nice and pretty. Yes it's okay to get dolled up and feel good, but we ask for equality and empowerment we can’t get that if we make ourselves look like plastic and pretend like that is who we are.
When girls don’t wear makeup, we shouldn’t care what they look like or whether they are pretty or ugly.Instead we should praise their true natural beauty and confidence in their body.Ignore all the meaningless comments on how this product makes your lips bigger and this color brings out your eyes. Stop letting companies like mac and sophora tell us we have to cover are imperfections to be seen as beautiful.

This year let’s fight for true natural beauty.

The author's comments:

This peice is important for all young kids to read 

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