I Would | Teen Ink

I Would

April 7, 2018
By Anonymous

"It wouldn't make a difference if I was gone."

I stare at my friend. Pure hurt in my eyes. "People would miss you so much!"

She shakes her head. How do I communicate how much she'll never know I care for her?

"All your friends would miss you!."

She shrugs, eyes cast at the floor. I watch her helplessly, wanting to tell her how lost I would be without her, how lonely and worthless I'd feel, but my tongue fails to deliver the words I want to confess. And as she walks away, I hang my head, and mutter under my breath the sweet sentence I could have so easily spoken. "I would miss you."

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ThornRose said...
on Apr. 10 2018 at 11:20 pm
This was well written. I expected to be longer but it’s better that it’s short and to the point than long and winded