Dream Vacation | Teen Ink

Dream Vacation

November 3, 2017
By paydensearl BRONZE, Hemet, California
paydensearl BRONZE, Hemet, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The morning was crisp and cool with blue skies as I woke the morning of our trip to wonderful Idaho. We were going to visit our family who I haven’t seen in years, I hardly can picture their face in my mind, it’s really a blur. Our bags were all packed and ready to go as we waited in the garage for my grandpa to come pick us up and drop us all off at the airport, the place I truly dreaded going. The fear of being stuck on a small enclosed airplane for a long period of time wasn’t what I enjoyed at all, if it was my choice I would’ve rather drove, but I had one thing on my mind that took over the fear of being on the plane and that was to see my family. I couldn’t wait to laugh with my cousins, to see my grandparents big smiles, and to hug all my aunts and uncles, my mom’s whole family lives there. I was mainly excited for her, my mom, she hadn’t seen her family in forever and there’s no way I could go that long, I just couldn’t imagine how happy she was. It was the summer of 2010 and we arrived in Idaho. My mom’s family met us at the airport and there was hugging, laughing, tears of joy, and smiles from ear to ear. My grandparents took us to their house and we caught up with our busy lives. We stayed for a week and we went to swim in lakes, go to amusement parks, waterparks, basically anything you could think of doing in Idaho we did, I was so happy and so was my family. The fun filled week came to an end and this was the part everyone dreaded was leaving each other, and maybe not seeing each other for another couple years. Everyone teared up as we got to the airport and said our hard goodbyes. As my grandparents left the airport we talked about how this was the trip of a lifetime, nothing but happiness came from our hearts. We soon boarded the plane and all fell asleep, and soon arrived at the airport in Ontario California, we were home. My dad’ s dad was waiting to pick us up and hear all about it, he really did get an earful. We arrived at our home, unpacked our bags, and all fell asleep knowing we had one of the best vacations a family could have together.

The author's comments:

It was the vacation of a lifetime.

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