The Youngest Child | Teen Ink

The Youngest Child

January 20, 2017
By ethanedelson BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
ethanedelson BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many people see being the youngest child as either the best thing in the world or the worst thing in the world. It all depends on how you look at it. For some people they see being the youngest child as the worst thing in the world, others see it as the best thing in the world.  I personally can agree a little bit with both. There are certain pros and certain cons to being the youngest child. For one thing you are always treated like a “baby” which again can be a good thing or a bad thing. Most of the time you will always get what you want because you are “Mommys little baby”. I personally do not have any complaints.  For one things you never really get blamed for anything that is always put on your older siblings. Also most of the time you always get your way. However sometimes being a youngest child can be a little bit saddening. All in all being the youngest has its ups and down but all depends on how you look at it.


To start off, one of the best parts of being the youngest child is you never really get into major trouble. Lets just say theoretically you and your older sibling are playing ball outside when one of you accidentally kicks the ball into the glass window. When Mom/Dad comes out no matter what the older sibling will get in trouble (or at least more) because they are to be held accountable and they are supposed to be more responsible. For me this happens on a daily bases where I am never the one who gets in trouble. However this can also be a negative thing because it may lead to enmity between you and your other things and they sometimes come together or “gang up on you” because they want you to be held accountable for what you did even if your parents will not.
Secondly, besides all of the hand-me-downs the youngest child usually always get what they want because they are Mommies little boy/girl. They are the babies of the family and always have a special place in their parents hard and most of the time are heavily favored on what the family does. Older siblings really do not want to deal with all of the crying that can come with all the complaining so they usually just go along with it and don’t even bother. Sometimes you just have to pick and choose your battles and everyone chooses otherwise.

There is one thing that can be somewhat depressing about being the youngest child. You are the last to do everything. You're the last to start school, you're the last to attend college, you're last to get clothes and this to me can be very depressing.  One of the worst parts is when your sibling(s) go off to college and you are all alone for a couple of years and kind of feel as though you are an only child. For me I did not realize this until a couple of weeks ago when I was on christmas break when we were playing games, talking, on our phones and just genuinely having a good time and that when it hit me. I am never going to get this again in my life. Once she goes off to college that's it she is going to miles away and even when she is done with college I won’t be and never the less it will never be the same because at the point we will be adults and are lives will be so busy and we won’t be together that much every again. When I was younger I thought it was the worst thing in the world having a sister room next to me but now it is really something I cherish. The other day I was in her room and she was rearranging her room and I asked her why because at that point I realized there is no point to totally rearrange a room when you are gone forever in a couple of short months. That room to me symbolizes a lot because I know that when I go into that room once she is gone it is going to be one of the saddest moments of my young life. Seeing how clean and empty it is with all her stuff gone and just a shell of its old self. For people who are actually only child's are used to being more independent and alone but for someone who isnt it is a really saddening topic for me to think that next year I will be alone. Not only this but being the youngest child makes me feel like I am a little behind on life as all of my other siblings because they in a way have a head start in front of me. Once I started high school my brother started college and some of my own personal accomplishments are sometimes shadowed by those of my older sibling because it is almost always something my parents have already seen before.


To summarize, as seen in the writing being a youngest child can either be a good thing or a bad thing. A positive to being the youngest is you almost always get what you want and do not really get blamed for anything. To counter however being the youngest child can in a sense be a slight depressing thing and can really feel alone at times because of the enmity between you older siblings and the loneliness of being a youngest child. However you can overcome this and realize that everybody grows up and that maybe being a youngest child is a blessing in disguise because you get to learn from your older siblings mistakes. I have really enjoyed being the youngest child as my childhood comes to an end but no matter what I will always be my mother's little baby.

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