School Pride | Teen Ink

School Pride

October 26, 2016
By Dunaia BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Dunaia BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When people ask "where do you go to school." I respond and they look at me in disappointment and say "oh." It was a time when I asked me brother who's going to be a freshmen in high school if he would like to go to, he said "that's is a bad school plus y'all teams suck.

Now what makes a school a bad school. I can't say our school isn't known for anything . Most people know what school is because of our football team and how bad it is. The school maybe known for other things but that's all I know. And how come we can't be recognized because of the IB program, the music department and the theater program.

My brother and I are apart of the music department in our school. Since he goes to A.I DuPont High School his music department is more recognized specifically band because they travel. Also I think it's because DuPont is in the name and if that wasn't there the school wouldn't be acknowledged how it is.

I asked my brother to give me another reason and he said it was because of fights which is argued that was a stupid reason. Every school has a school fights once in a while. Private to public school whether it once a year or everyday school have fights. And the only reason why no one talks about it is because they have a good reputation.

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