My Dad's House | Teen Ink

My Dad's House

October 17, 2016
By Anonymous

I hate going to my dad’s house. I only go because I want so see my little brothers.There is always yelling and arguing between my dad and his AWFUL wife. When I say awful I mean she’s a nightmare. She is constantly screaming at me and my little brother for reasons that god himself doesn’t even know. And to make things worse my younger step brother has cancer. My dad’s house is a complete nightmare. Right when I walk into the house I feel like I’ve made a big mistake. It smells weird I can’t even think of what it smells like. I only go for my brothers.

First, my dad’s wife (you know the nightmare) let’s call her “Jenny”. Jenny is the definition of dread, horror, mean, pretty much every negative word you can find in the dictionary. She doesn’t hit me or my brother, but she is screaming at us constantly for, talking in the morning, talking at the breakfast/ dinner table, making loud noises, and sometimes even laughing. She is NOT my step mom.


I remember one time when my little brother Jacob threw a fit because my dad said no to something, I don’t quite remember what it was.

“You are such a bad parent,” Jenny starts screaming at my dad. “Jacob’s mother is mentally ill, so he can get away with murder.” She looked frantic as she was screaming.

Jacob ended up getting what he wanted by screaming for it. Jenny started banging on the bed, I was so scared. I burst into tears alongside my brother and we both pleaded for the arguing to stop so my dad could take us home. this was three years ago and I remember it to this day.


My little brother Jacob is admittedly a little bratty. He cries when he doesn’t get what he wants. But, he is so loveable. He enjoys video games and basketball like me. I only go to my dad’s house for him and my other brother Q. I’m focusing on Jacob right now. He will be alone if I’m not there. I want him to be happy, i want to play with him, we both just want to have fun. We play Five Nights at Freddy’s(horror game). He’s only 7 years old. I love him so much.


I was in New York when i found out that my step brother Q has cancer. I was speechless. The kid is only nine. I couldn’t wrap my head around it. There was a lump on his neck that was about the size of a golf ball. I didn’t cry even though i wanted to. He is doing better now. He is actually going to school today.


Onto my dad. My dad is not very nice. He corrects everything i do. He tells me to be quiet ALL THE TIME. I don’t think he likes me. He is so mean. Whenever i do something “wrong” he gives me a whole lecture about what i did. He gets mad when i don’t play videogames right. Even other people complain to me about how much of a fun killer/ party pooper/jerk ect.

My dad’s house is a total nightmare and i wish it just didn’t exist.

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